Organizational Networks and Networking Competence

Organizational Networks and Networking Competence

Contemporary Challenges in Management and Employment

Fryczynska, Marzena

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Networking in organizational management. 2. From networking to workers' networking competence. 3. From career success to employability. 4. Role of networking competence in achieving career success and employability by knowledge workers. 5. Methodology of the author's empirical study. 6. Networking competence and its interdependencies. Own study results.
Networking Competence;Knowledge Workers;Measurement of Employability;Knowledge Work;Worker Attributes;Civil Law Contract;Career Success;Career Development;Tacit Knowledge Resources;Professional Situation;Achieve Career Success;Worker Involvement;Reflective Indicators;Measurement Systems;Computer - Assisted Web Interviews;Business Relationships;Network Organization;Human Capital Management;Remote Contact;Boundaryless Career;Objective Career Success;Subjective Career Success;Interorganizational Network;Knowledge Resources;Inter-organizational Networks;Hochberg Test;Protean Career;Multiple Jobs;ICT Specialist;Professional Development;Latent Variables;European Employment Strategy