Fashion Wholesaling

Fashion Wholesaling

From Manufacturer to Retailer

Tucker, Linda B.

Bloomsbury Publishing PLC






15 a 20 dias

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1. The Fashion Wholesale Business
Wholesale Selling as a Career Option
Structural Overview of the Fashion Industry
Types of Wholesale Sales Reps
Vendor-Rep Contracts
Resources, Activities and Further Reading

2. Fashion Vendors and Wholesale Customers
Wholesale Vendors
Fashion Vendors
The Implications of Scale
Brand Goals
Wholesale Customers
Building a Customer Base
Resources, Activities and Further Reading

3. The Wholesale Selling Environment
Different Types of Selling Environments
Fashion Trade Shows
Trend Forecasting Companies
Resources, Activities and Further Reading

4. The Wholesale Fashion Selling Process
Making the Sales Presentation
Sales Territories
Forecasting Sales
After the Order is Written
Resources, Activities and Further Reading

5. Trends in Fashion Wholesale Selling
The Changing Environment for Retailers and Wholesalers
Trends in Fashion Wholesale Selling
Wholesale Internet Selling
Theories of Fashion Market Changes
Resources, Activities and Further Reading

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Sales Reps; Vendor; career; Brand; Customers; Selling Environment; Trend Forecasting; Trade Show; Sales Territories; Retailers; Sourcing; Online Selling; manufacturing; supply chain; merchandise; fashion industry; sales presentation