Affect, Power, and Institutions

Affect, Power, and Institutions

Slaby, Jan; Boettger, Jandra; Calkins, Sandra; Churcher, Millicent

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. General Introduction: The Many Lives of Institutions

PART 1: Politics, Publics, Corporate Power

2. Fabricated Feelings: Institutions, Organizations, and Emotion Repertoires

3. Affective Citizenship: Differential Regimes of Belonging in Plural Societies

4. Nationalism, affective recruitment and authoritarianism in post-coup Turkey

5. Under Pressure: Journalism as an Affective Institution

PART 2: Bodies, Materiality, Infrastructure

6. Digital Infrastructuring as Institutional Affect(ing) in German Migration Management

7. Botanical discipline: The senses and more-than-human affect

8. Conflicting Imaginaries in the International Academy

PART 3: Forms, Genres, Aesthetics

9. Genres as Imaginary Institutions

10. Rewriting Education: Genre and Affects of Social Mobility in Contemporary German Literature

11. Right Reading - Affective Institutionalisations and the Politics of Literature in the German New Right

12. Glitching as Institutional Critique

PART 4: Diversity, Care, Critique

13. Affective Diversity, or: Conceptualizing Institutional Change in Postmigrant Societies

14. Working through Affects: Transforming and Challenging Psychosocial Care for Vietnamese Migrants

15. Targeted Alienation: Reimagining the Labour of Abolition

affect;emotion;power;institution;subject;imaginaries;critique;embodiment;Vincent Van Gogh;WGFS Scholars;Scrum Team;Religious Vocational High School;Contemporary Societies;Public Administration;Teaching Emotion Programs;German Post-war Cinema;Affective Institution;Federal Republic Of Germany;Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt;Stem Field;Affective Arrangement;Affective Citizenship;Emotion Repertoires;Institutional Reformation;Emotion Programs;Interreligious Coexistence;Vietnamese Migrants;Agile Project Management;1980s Social Movements;Amorphophallus Titanum;Affective Diversity;Guiding Problem;Psychosocial Care