Instant Insights: Optimising Agri-Food Supply Chains

Instant Insights: Optimising Agri-Food Supply Chains

Manning, Professor Louise; El Bilali, Dr Hamid; Islam, Dr Samantha; de Leeuw, Professor Sander; Kowalska, Dr Aleksandra; Schiefer, Professor Gerhard; Romero-Silva, Dr Rodrigo; Cullen, Dr Jonathan M.

Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited





15 a 20 dias

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Chapter 1 - Studying agri-food supply chains: an analytical framework: Sander de Leeuw, Renzo Akkerman and Rodrigo Romero Silva, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands;

1 Introduction
2 Agri-food supply chains (AFSCs): a brief review
3 The development of the concept of 'supply chains'
4 Food systems versus food supply chains
5 Designing AFSCs: a framework
6 The structure of this book
7 References

Chapter 2 - Advances in traceability systems in agri-food supply chains: Samantha Islam, University of Cambridge, UK; Louise Manning, Royal Agricultural University, UK; and Jonathan M. Cullen, University of Cambridge, UK;

1 Introduction
2 Traceability drivers
3 Food traceability in theory
4 Food traceability system
5 Traceability technologies
6 Barriers in implementation of effective food traceability systems
7 Improvement pathways
8 Where to look for further information
9 References

Chapter 3 - The role of technology in crisis management and product recall in food supply chains: Louise Manning, Royal Agricultural University, UK; and Aleksandra Kowalska, Maria Curie- Sklodowska University, Poland;

1 Introduction
2 Food supply chain governance
3 Information asymmetry
4 Data sharing as a mechanism to underpin public-private partnerships (PPPs)
5 Concluding thoughts
6 Where to look for further information
7 References

Chapter 4 - Improving supply chains to prevent food losses and waste: an overview: Hamid El Bilali, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria;

1 Introduction
2 Food losses and waste along the supply chain: main causes and reduction strategies
3 Reducing food wastage along the food supply chain: the need for a systems approach
4 Future trends and conclusion
5 Where to look for further information
6 References

Chapter 5 - Developing decision support systems for improving data management in agricultural supply chains: Gerhard Schiefer, University of Bonn, Germany;

1 Introduction
2 Decisions in supporting data management
3 Decision tools
4 Principal case studies
5 Conclusion and future trends
6 References
supply chain management;agrifood;frameworks;food systems;Food supply chain governance;food traceability system;traceability technologies;improvement pathways;food recall;data sharing;Blockchain;public-private partnerships (PPPs);food loss;food wastage;food sustainability;supply efficiency;decision support;chain organization;agricultural supply chains;food production