Women Practicing Resilience, Self-care and Wellbeing in Academia

Women Practicing Resilience, Self-care and Wellbeing in Academia

International Stories from Lived Experience

Ling, Voon Mung; Sandhu, Kiran deep; Badiozaman, Ida Fatimawati Adi

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias

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Part I: Women and the Changing Academia 1. Of glass ceilings and glass cliffs: Navigating the gendered academy 2. The holy trinity of teaching, research, and service 3. The dancing lecturer: Crafting the strong woman in the academia 4. Carrying the world on your back: The burden of self-care for under-represented women Part II: Identity Formations and the Career Trajectory 5. Solitude, sanctuary, and pseudo-mentors: A pandemic lens on an early career transition into doing and being research/researcher 6. Journaling As Self-Care, Journaling For Personal And Professional Development: A Visual Narrative 7. Give me wings, and I will fly 8. Navigating fieldwork amidst my menstrual cycle: Being a female ethnographer in a remote Indian region 9. Mentoring practices in higher education: Self-care through the lens of the mentee in the era of remote learning Part III: Of Well-being and Self-care in Academia 10. A polyvagal pathway: Implications of Pursuing It All 11. Carving your destiny in academia as a "lecturer" and a "mother" 12. Navigating and building resilience in academia: Dual perspectives 13. A great escape for my survival as a female academic in Japan: my story, my career trajectory 14. Uncensored? Writing our resistance as an act of self-care 15. Of wellbeing and self-care in academia
self-care;wellbeing;workplace satisfaction;career trajectory;women in higher education;women in academia;women leadership;identity;women empowerment;gender equity;glass ceiling;mentoring;academic career;Follow;Self-care Practices;Chronic;ECAs;Emotional Exhaustion;Professional Development;Monash;Extracurricular;Women Academics;Disengaged;Self-care Routines;UK Business School;Under-represented Women;Cryptic Crossword;Functional Toilets;Menstrual Cups;Feminist Care Ethics;ADHD Trait;Glass Cliffs;Occupational Burnout;Emotional Self-care;Work Life Balance;River Islands;Malayan Tapir;Polyvagal Theory