Book World of Early Modern Europe

Book World of Early Modern Europe

Essays in Honour of Andrew Pettegree, Volume 2

Weduwen, Arthur; Walsby, Malcolm







15 a 20 dias


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List of Figures

List of Tables

Note on Contributors

1. Malcolm Walsby - Andrew Pettegree, a Historian of the Reformation and the Book

2. Arjan van Dijk - Andrew Pettegree and Brill: A Publishing History

Part 1. The Arts of Printing and Publishing

3. Graeme J. Kemp - 'Drawing on a Pigmy's Frock over the Shoulders of a Giant'. Visualising Dedicatory Networks in French Vernacular Books (1501-1600)

4. Drew B. Thomas - A Crowded Field in Luther's Wittenberg: Collaboration and Sub-Contracting in the Reformation Book Trade

5. Saskia Limbach - 'Doing men's work'. Katharina Rebart, her Life and her Activities in Context

6. Justyna Kilianczyk-Zieba - Vanished Components. Evidence for the Partial Survival of Tabula Cebetis Editions

7. Michiel van Groesen - Maps and the Market: The Amsterdam Book Trade and the Rise of the Pocket Atlas

8. Renaud Adam - Jan van Meerbeeck and the Book Business in Brussels in the First Third of the Seventeenth Century

Part 2. International Connections and Circulation in the Book World

9. Sandra Toffolo - The Pilgrim, the City and the Book: the Role of the Mobility of Pilgrims in Book Circulation in Renaissance Venice

10. Shanti Graheli - Diplomacy, Material Culture and the Book World in the Account of the French Special Envoys to Hamburg, 1638

11. Jacob Baxter - Admiration, Anger and Envy: Descriptions of the Dutch Golden Age in English Print

12. Arthur der Weduwen - Exile, Expansion and Commerce: Dutch Printing outside the Low Countries in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

13. Hanna de Lange - Going Once, Going Twice, Sold! Used Books at Auctions in Leiden, The Hague and London, 1689-90

Part 3. Education and the Book

14. Angela Nuovo - Abacus Manuals, Schools and Urban Readers in Early Modern Venice and Milan

15. Karin Maag - Advertising Educational Opportunities: L'Ordre et maniere d'enseigner, Geneva, 1538

16. Natasha Constantinidou - Influences, Assimilation, Adaptations: Observations on Greek Grammars Printed in France in the Sixteenth Century

17. Joke Spaans - From Schoolbook to Children's Literature. The Evolution of a Dutch Book Market for Youngsters in the Long Eighteenth Century

Part 4. Libraries and Book Collecting

18. Michael S. Springer - Politics, Community and Identity in the Formation of the Dutch Church Library in London, 1550-c. 1650

19. Paul Hoftijzer - 'Boecken ende Anders.' The Book Collection of the Seventeenth-Century Leiden Student Leonard van Sorgen (c. 1620-1644)

20. Earle Havens - The Bibliotheca Publica of Leiden University, 1585-1741: A Portrait of the Early Modern Public Research Library

21. Alicia Montoya - Locating Books of Hours in Eighteenth-Century Private Libraries: Auction Catalogues as Generators of Enlightenment Value(s)

Part 5. Developments in the Periodical Press

22. Nina Lamal - The First Advertisements in Italian Newspapers (1683-1700)

23. Joop W. Koopmans - Expansion and Restraint in the Dutch Newspaper Market, 1700-1795

24. Steven Van Impe - Reprints of the Gazette van Antwerpen in the Dutch Republic, 1706-1806

Part 6. Research Methodologies and Media Transformations

25. Paul Dijstelberge - Bonaventura's Dream: The USTC, Typographical Analysis and the Future of Book Historical Research

26. Alexander S. Wilkinson - Ornamento Europe: Towards an Atlas of the Visual Geography of the Renaissance Book

27. John A. Sibbald - The Age of Aquarius and Magic Fallibility: Scottish Legal Resources in the '60s and '70s and the Advent of 'Modern Technology'

Bibliography of Andrew Pettegree's Publications

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