Reformation, Religious Culture and Print in Early Modern Europe

Reformation, Religious Culture and Print in Early Modern Europe

Essays in Honour of Andrew Pettegree, Volume 1

Weduwen, Arthur; Walsby, Malcolm







15 a 20 dias


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List of Figures

List of Tables

Note on Contributors

1. Malcolm Walsby - Andrew Pettegree, a Historian of the Reformation and the Book

2. Arjan van Dijk - Andrew Pettegree and Brill: A Publishing History

Part 1. Reformation and Religious Culture

3. Bruce Gordon - Boundaries of Memory: The Mediaeval Bible in the Early Modern World

4. Flavia Bruni - The Unexpected Guest: Henry VIII in the General Archive of the Servants of Mary

5. Brian L. Hanson - 'Thruste oute teares of repentaunce': Dramatizing Conversion in Reformation England

6. Margo Todd - Weather, Finance and Urban Religious Dissent in Early Modern Scotland

7. Grant Tapsell - Restoration and the Culture of Persecution: The View from Lambeth

8. Richard Kirwan - Scholarly Careers and the Confessional University in Early Modern Germany

9. Riccardo Bavaj - Religious Re-anchoring (through Lots of Books): Heinrich August Winkler, Germany, and 'the West'

Part 2. Religion in Print

10. Jonathan A. Reid - A Prayer for Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII and their 'Children': A Portal to Early Reformation England's entente evangelique with France

11. Alec Ryrie - The Vernacular Scripture Fallacy and the Failure of Early Protestant Mission

12. Ian Maclean - Brand Melanchthon, Brand Philippism. Polemics and the Book World, 1560-1620: a Prolegomenon

13. Natale Vacalebre - A Hell of a Poem! Censoring Dante's Commedia in Early Modern Spain

14. Elise Watson - Lost Saints: Printed Catholic Ephemera in the Dutch Republic

Part 3. Religious Strife and Revolt in France and the Low Countries

15. Mack P. Holt - The Role of International Printing Presses in the French Wars of Religion

16. Malcolm Walsby - The Protestant Book Trade in Rouen during the First Years of the Wars of Religion

17. Katell Laveant - A Joyful Book as a Vehicle for the Protestant Faith? The Case of the Triomphes de l'Abbaye des Conards, Rouen, 1587

18. Alastair Duke - 'Our Poor Oppressed and Forlorn Fatherland.' The Patriotic Rhetoric Inspired by William of Orange and his Circle, 1568-1576

19. Guido Marnef - Challenging the Church of England: The Building of a Calvinist English Church in Antwerp (1578-1582)

Bibliography of Andrew Pettegree's Publications
