Sin and Salvation in Reformation England

Sin and Salvation in Reformation England

Willis, Jonathan

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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Introduction: sin and salvation in Reformation England, Jonathan Willis. Part I Defining Sin and Salvation: Sin and salvation in William Tyndale's theology, Ralph S. Werrell; 'Appareled in Christ': union with Christ in the soteriology of John Jewel, Andre A. Gazal; Separating the universal bishop from the universal Church in the Jewel-Harding controversy, Angela Ranson; 'Moral arithmetic' or creative accounting? (Re-)defining sin through the Ten Commandments, Jonathan Willis. Part II Contesting Sin and Salvation: Sin and salvation in Roger Ascham's Apologia pro Caena Dominica, Lucy Nicholas; Sin, salvation, and female sexuality in John Foxe's 'Book of Martyrs', Margarita Leonti; '[A] solemne league and contract with the Devill': narratives of sin and desire in A true and exact relation (1645), Sheilagh Ilona O'Brien. Part III Reforming Sin and Salvation: Salvatrix Mundi? Rejecting the redemptive role of the Virgin Mary, Stephen Bates; Disputed words and disputed meanings: the reformation of baptism, infant limbo and child salvation in early modern England, Anna French; 'If it were made for man, 'twas made for me': generic damnation and rhetorical salvation in Reformation preaching and plays, Maria Devlin; Preparationism in Lucy Hutchinson's 'Principles of the Christian Religion', Elizabeth Clarke. Part IV Living with Sin and Salvation: Sin and salvation in the sermons of Edwin Sandys: 'Be this sin against the Lord far from me, that I should cease to pray for you', Sarah Bastow; Seeing salvation in the domestic hearth in post-Reformation England, Tara Hamling; 'Have a little book in thy conscience, and write therein': writing the Puritan conscience, 1600-1650, Robert Warren Daniel. Afterword, Alexandra Walsham; Index.
Young Man;OED Online;Demarcation Lines;Christian's ABC;Debora Shuger;National Biography;Christian Initiation;Alexandra Walsham;Peter Martyr Vermigli;Alec Ryrie;Ian Green;Limbus Infantium;Reformation England;Child Salvation;OED;Female Martyrs;Devious;Rhetorical Theology;Hastings Museum;Anne Askew;Puritan Diaries;Fiery Furnace;Prevenient Grace;William Cornysh;Smoke Hood