'The Damned Fraternitie': Constructing Gypsy Identity in Early Modern England, 1500-1700

'The Damned Fraternitie': Constructing Gypsy Identity in Early Modern England, 1500-1700

Timbers, Frances

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction: 'The damned fraternitie': constructing gypsy identity in early modern England, 1500-1700

1 'From Aegypt have I come'

2 'Gypsies: thieves and tramps?'

3 'Chargeable unto the country'

4 'O'er the Moors to Kirk Yetholm'

5 The narrative of gypsyhood

6 'By lines they read in face and hand'

7 'These rowsey, ragged rabblement of rakehelles': rogue literature

8 'The stain of my offence'
Young Man;Gypsy Population;English Gypsies;Gypsy Identity;Rogue Literature;Kirk Yetholm;Gypsies Metamorphos;Cunning Folk;Gypsy Women;Early Modern;Spanish Gypsie;Undeserving Poor;Blacke Bookes Messenger;Wynkyn De Worde;Female Gypsies;Gun Powder;Liber Vagatorum;General Reference Collection;Vagrancy Statute;European Gypsies;Cunning Craft;Philip III;Ragged Rabblement;Vagrant Population;Cock Lorel