Racial Justice and Nonviolence Education

Racial Justice and Nonviolence Education

Building the Beloved Community, One Block at a Time

Romano, Arthur

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction 1. Nonviolence is a Way of Life for Courageous People 2. The Beloved Community is the Framework for the Future 3. Attack forces of evil, not persons doing evil 4. Accept Suffering without Retaliation for the Sake of the Cause to Achieve the Goal 5. Avoid internal violence of the spirit as well as external physical violence. Conclusion: The Beloved Community is a Learning Community
Martin Luther King;non-violence education;racial justice;community-based educators;informal education;Nonviolence Educator;Beloved Community;Systemic Racism;Young Men;Nonviolence Training;White America;King's Legacy;MLK;MLK Day;Porter Graham Child Development Institute;Triple Evils;Moral Arc;Sixth Principle;Frank Porter Graham Child Development;Expressive Suppression;Common Language;Violence Interrupter;Town Halls;Unearned Suffering;Similar Background Teaching;Urban Education;Haven Police;Firemen;Victoria's Work