Music by Subscription

Music by Subscription

Composers and their Networks in the British Music-Publishing Trade, 1676-1820

Fleming, Simon D.I.; Perkins, Martin

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1. Introduction. Simon D. I. Fleming and Matin Perkins

Section 1. The Production of Musical Works by Subscription

Chapter 2. Thomas Mace and the Publication by Subscription of Musick's Monument (1676). Stephanie Carter

Chapter 3. Cecilia Maria Barthelemon's Three Sonatas, op 1. Michael Kassler

Chapter 4. Maria Hester Park and her Subscribers. Lise Karin Meling

Chapter 5. Publishing Music by Subscription in Eighteenth-Century Edinburgh: John Watlen and his Collections of Circus Tunes. Simon D. I. Fleming

Chapter 6. William Felton and John Pixell: The Musical Circles of the Vicar Composer. Simon D. I. Fleming

Section 2. The Consumption of Music Published by Subscription

Chapter 7. Gentry, Servants, and Musicians: A Network of Subscribers in North-East England. Roz Southey

Chapter 8. The Music-Making of the Bridgeman Family, Weston Park. Martin Perkins

Chapter 9. A Big Data Study: Musical Societies in Subscription Lists. Simon D. I. Fleming and Martin Perkins

Chapter 10. Strathspeys, Reels, and Instrumental Airs: A National Product. Karen E. McAulay

Chapter 11. Profiting from the Slave Economy and Subscribing to Music: The British Experience in the Eighteenth Century. David Hunter

Chapter 12. Foreign Composers, the Subscription Market, and the Popularity of Continental Music in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Simon D. I. Fleming
National Library;IMSLP;Hathi Trust;King George III;Piano Forte;Subscription Lists;East Indies;Subscription Method;Music Sellers;Weston Park;Catch Club;Oxford Musical Society;Keyboard Concerto;Edinburgh Musical Society;Vicar Choral;Musical Society;Local Musical Society;Gentlemen's Catch Club;Musick's Monument;Accompanied Keyboard Sonatas;Scottish Music;Women Subscribers;Antonio Vivaldi;City's Musical Life;Scottish Dance Music