Limits of Intelligibility

Limits of Intelligibility

Issues from Kant and Wittgenstein

Pier, Jens

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction: Where Intelligibility Gives Out Jens Pier

Part I: Limits Assessed

1. Metaphysical Dissatisfaction Barry Stroud

2. The Bounds of Sense A. W. Moore

Part II: Limits in Kant

3. Kant on Why We Cannot Even Judge about Things in Themselves Guido Kreis

4. The "Original" Form of Cognition: On Kant's Hylomorphism Andrea Kern

5. Logical and Moral Aliens Within Us: Kant on Theoretical and Practical Self-Conceit G. Anthony Bruno

Part III: Limits in Wittgenstein

6. Wittgenstein on the Limits of Language Hans Sluga

7. The Threefold Puzzle of Negation and the Limits of Sense Jean-Philippe Narboux

8. Truth and the Limits of Ethical Thought: Reading Wittgenstein with Diamond Gilad Nir

Part IV: Limits Reconsidered

9. On Transcending the Limits of Language Graham Priest

10. Art, Authenticity, and Understanding David Suarez

11. No Limit: On What Thought Can Actually Do Jocelyn Benoist

12. On the Speculative Form of Holistic Reflection: Hegel's Criticism of Kant's Limitations of Reason Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer.

Jens Pier;Aron Schwertner;Adrian W. Moore;Guido Kreis;Andrea Kern;G. Anthony Bruno;Juliet Floyd;Hans-Johann Glock;Graham Priest;Jocelyn Benoist;Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer;David Suarez;intelligibility;Kant;Wittgenstein;bounds of sense;logical positivism;cognition;finite knowledge;hylomorphic conception of knowledge;self-conceit;Alan Turing;Gottlob Frege;Wood Sellers;nonsense;limits of language;bounded limitation;speculative reflection;making sense;Vice Versa;Ocular Irradiation;Logical Relations;Kant's Theoretical Philosophy;Form Matter Distinction;Dense;Violate;Confer;Pure Practical Reason;Transcendental Aesthetic;Logical Propositions;Early German Romantics;Fritz Mauthner;General Logical Laws;Logical Alien;Undeniable Truths;Analytic Judgements;Infinite Judgment;Twentieth Century Analytic Philosophy;Practical Postulates;Diamond's View;Transcendental Logical;Experiential Laws;Cognize Objects