Language Learning Through Captioned Videos

Language Learning Through Captioned Videos

Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition

Feng Teng, Mark

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Preface *

Acknowledgement *

Chapter 1. Introduction to vocabulary knowledge and incidental vocabulary acquisition *

Chapter 2. Captioned videos: Multimedia features, definitions and theoretical frameworks *

Chapter 3. Language learning and incidental vocabulary acquisition from captioned videos: Advantages and disadvantages *

Chapter 4. Vocabulary learning from captioned videos for EFL learners *

Chapter 5. Research methods for using captioned videos in incidental vocabulary acquisition *

Chapter 6. Conclusion: Maximizing vocabulary learning performance from captioned videos *

Psycholinguistics;Lexical studies;listening comprehension;technology-enhanced Oral practice;technology based language learning;vocabulary acquisition;vocabulary performance;applied linguistics;implicit learning;incidental learning;language learners;language learning;Foreign language education;computers in Applied Linguistics and Language (CALL);TESOL;second language acquisition (SLA);english as a second language (ESL);english as a foreign language (EFL);vocabulary knowledge;captioned videos;incidental vocabulary acquisition;Incidental Vocabulary Learning;EFL Learner;EFL Vocabulary;Traditional classroom;Tv Program;Vocabulary Learning;Audiovisual Input;EFL Student;Low Proficiency Learners;Vocabulary Learning Outcomes;L2 Learner;Word Form;Multimedia Glossing;Target Word Repetition;Multimedia Learning Theory;Tv News Program;Enhance EFL Learner;EFL Context;Tv Viewing Behavior;Multimedia Learning Principle;Cognitive Affective Model;Watch Tv Program;FC