Islam and Rationality

Islam and Rationality

The Impact of al-Ghazali. Papers Collected on His 900th Anniversary. Vol. 1

Tamer, Georges







15 a 20 dias


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Table of Contents

Georges Tamer

Hans Daiber
God versus Causality: al-Ghazali's Solution and its Historical Background

Wilferd Madelung
Al-Ghazali's Changing Attitude to philosophy

Binyamin Abrahamov
Al-Ghazali and the Rationalization of Sufism

Georges Tamer
Revelation, Sciences and Symbolism: Al-Ghazali's Jawahir al-Qur?an

Frank Griffel
Al-Ghazali at His Most Rationalist: The Universal Rule for Allegorically Interpreting Revelation (al-Qanun al-kulli fi t-ta?wil)

Eric Ormsby
The Comedy of Reason: Strategies of Humour in al-Ghazali

Taneli Kukkonen
Al-Ghazali on the Emotions

Avner Giladi
Sex, Marriage and the Family in Al-Ghazali's Thought: Some Preliminary Notes

Yasien Mohamed
The Duties of the Teacher: al-I?fahani's Dhari?a as a source of inspiration for al-Ghazali's Mizan al-?amal

Ken Garden
Revisiting al-Ghazali's Crisis through his Scale for Action (Mizan al-?amal)

Luis Xavier Lopez-Farjeat
Al-Ghazali on Knowledge ('ilm) and Certainty (yaqin) in al-Munqidh min a?-?alal and in al-Qis?as al-mustaqim

Scott Girdner
Ghazali's hermeneutics and their reception in Jewish Tradition:
Mishkat al-Anwar (The Niche of Lights) and Maimonides' Shemonah Peraqim
(Eight Chapters)

Alfred Ivry
Al-Ghazali, Averroes and Moshe Narboni: Conflict and Conflation

Steven Harvey
The Changing Image of al-Ghazali in Medieval Jewish Thought

Hidemi Takahashi
The Influence of al-Ghazali on the Juridical, Theological and Philosophical Works of Barhebraeus

Jules Janssens
R. Marti and His References to al-Ghazali

Yahya M. Michot
Al-Ghazali's Esotericism according to Ibn Taymiyya's Bughyat al-Murtad

M. Sait OEzervarli
Arbitrating between al-Ghazali and the Philosophers:
The Tahafut Commentaries in the Ottoman Intellectual Context

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Abu ?amid al-Ghazali; Islam; Islamic philosophy; Islamic theology; Rationality; Sufism; falasifa; hermeneutics of the Qur?an