Intellectual Life in the ?ijaz before Wahhabism

Intellectual Life in the ?ijaz before Wahhabism

Ibrahim al-Kurani's (d. 1101/1690) Theology of Sufism

Dumairieh, Naser






Pré-lançamento - envio 15 a 20 dias após a sua edição

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Introduction: When All Roads Led to the ?ijaz

1 The Seventeenth-Century ?ijaz in Its Global and Local Context

?1?The Seventeenth-Century ?ijaz in its Global Context

?2?The Seventeenth-Century ?ijaz in its Local Context


2 Intellectual Life in the ?ijaz in the Seventeenth Century

?1?Educational Institutions in the ?ijaz in the Seventeenth Century

?2?Rational Sciences in the ?ijaz

?3?Isnad as a Source for Intellectual Life in the Seventeenth-Century ?ijaz

?4?How the Rational Sciences Reached the ?ijaz


3 Ibrahim al-Kurani's Life, Education, Teachers, and Students

?1?Al-Kurani's Life

?2?Al-Kurani's Education

?3?Al-Kurani's Teachers

?4?Al-Kurani's Contacts with Other Scholars of His Time

?5?Al-Kurani's Students

?6?Al-Kurani's Affiliation to Sufi Orders


4 Al-Kurani's Works

?1?Al-Kurani's Works (Examined)

?2?Al-Kurani's Works (Inaccessible)

?3?Works Misattributed to al-Kurani


5 Al-Kurani's Metaphysical and Cosmological Thought

?1?God is Absolute Existence (al-wujud al-mu?laq or al-wujud al-ma??)

?2?God's Attributes and Allegorical Interpretation (ta?wil)

?3?God's Manifestations in Sensible and Conceivable Forms

?4?Nafs al-amr in al-Kurani's Thought

?5?Ash?arites and Mental Existence

?6?Realities: Uncreated Nonexistent Quiddities

?7?God's Knowledge of Particulars


?9?Unity and Multiplicity

?10?Destiny and Predetermination

?11?Kasb: Free Will and Predestination

?12?The Unity of the Attributes (wa?dat al-?ifat)

?13?Wa?dat al-Wujud


6 Al-Kurani's Other Theological and Sufi Thought

?1?The Faith of Pharaoh

?2?The Precedence of God's Mercy and the Vanishing of the Hellfire (fana? al-nar)

?3?Satanic Verses

?4?Preference for the Reality of the Ka?ba or for the Mu?ammadan Reality

?5?God's Speech (kalam Allah)



Appendix 1: Al-Kurani's Teachers, Additional to Those Mentioned in the Text

Appendix 2: Al-Kurani's Students, Additional to Those Mentioned in the Text

Appendix 3: Al-Kurani's Works Ordered Alphabetically


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