Icons of Sound

Icons of Sound

Voice, Architecture, and Imagination in Medieval Art

Pentcheva, Bissera

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Bissera V. Pentcheva

1. Singing Doors: Images, Space, and Sound in the Santa Sabina Narthex

Ivan Foletti

2. Sights and Sounds of the Armenian Night Office, as Performed at Ani: A Collation of the Archaeological, Historical, and Liturgical Evidence

Christina Maranci

3. The Glittering Sound of Hagia Sophia and the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross in Constantinople

Bissera V. Pentcheva

4. Transcendent Visions: Voice and Icon in the Byzantine Imperial Chapels

Bissera V. Pentcheva

5. Echoes and Silences of Liturgy: Liturgical Inscriptions and the Temporality of Medieval Rituals

Vincent Debiais

6. Sound, Space, and Sensory Perception: The Easter Mass in the Liturgy of San Marco, Venice

Deborah Howard

7. The Marble Tempest: Material Imagination, the Echoes of Nostos, and the Transfiguration of Myth in Romanesque Sculpture

Francisco Prado-Vilar

Epilogue: A Voice from beyond the Grave: Tintoretto among the Art Historians

Alexander Nemerov
Cathedral Rite;Fieldwork Archives;medieval art;Byzantine Chant;medieval music;Della;medieval architecture;Acoustic Model;medieval chant;Emperor Leo VI;medieval religion;Leo VI;chant;Santiago Cathedral;vocal music;Majestas Domini;sound studies;National Library;voice studies;Kars Region;music and visual culture;Santiago De Compostela;music and art;Jacopo Sansovino;music and architecture;Codex Calixtinus;sound studies and art;Night Office;sound studies and architecture;Theodore Psalter;medieval church;Night Service;medieval churches;Syrophoenician Woman;Palace Chapel;Byzantine church;Easter Mass;Byzantine art;Dino Compagni;Byzantine music;Jacopo Robusti;Latin chant;Tintoretto;church music;Hortus Deliciarum;soundscape;Palatine Chapels;Hagia Sophia;Romanesque sculpture;Armenian church;church liturgy;medieval liturgy;Church of San Marco;digital humanities;Santa Sabina;aurality;acoustics;Architectural spaces;Iconostasis