

New Directions for Global Epistemology

Goddard, Cliff; Mizumoto, Masaharu; Ganeri, Jonardon

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Epistemic Pluralism: From Systems to Stances

Jonardon Ganeri

2. Knowing how and two Japanese knowledge verbs in Japanese

Masaharu Mizumoto, Shun Tsugita, and Yu Izumi

3. "The Rectification of Names" as a Theory of Epistemic Justification

Yingjin Xu

4. Testimony, Credit, and Blame

Shane Ryan, Chienkuo Mi, and Masaharu Mizumoto

5. Linguistic Strategies against Epistemic Injustice

Elin McCready

6. Overcoming the linguistic challenges for ethno-epistemology: NSM perspectives

Cliff Goddard

7. Skeptical arguments, conceptual metaphors, and cross-cultural challenges

Julianne Chung

8. Delusions in Two Worlds

Dominic Murphy

9. Challenges for an Anthropology of Knowledge

Soren Harnow Klausen

10. How to Buy Knowedge in Ende

Satoshi Nakagawa

11. Conceptual Construction in Epistemology

Thomas Grundmann

12. Experimental Philosophy and Analytic Philosophy in the Reflection of Comparative Philosophy

Anand Jayprakash Vaidya & Purushottama Bilimoria
Testimonial Agents;Vice Versa;Jonardon Ganeri;Knowledge Acquisition;Cliff Goddard;Gettier Case;Masaharu Mizumoto;Folk Epistemology;Shun Tsugita;Epistemic Injustice;Yu Izumi;Universality Thesis;Yingjin Xu;Epistemic Justification;Shane Ryan;Gettier Intuitions;Chienkuo Mi;Semantic Prime;Eric McCready;Epistemic Pluralism;Julianne Chung;Epistemic Systems;Dominic Murphy;Epistemic Stances;Satoshi Nakagawa;Epistemic Principles;Thomas Grundmann;NSM;Anand Jayprakash Vaidya;Testimonial Knowledge;Purushottama Bilimoria;Epistemic Practice;ethno-epistemology;Virtue Epistemology;comparative philosophy;Epistemic Goal;philosophy of language;Knowledge Verbs;Harnow Klausen;Knowledge Ascription;knowledge traditions;Folk Concepts;experimental philosophy;Stance Pluralism;folk intuitions;Testimonial Injustice;Taiwanese Participants;testimony;credit;blame;linguistic strategies;delusions;naive imperialism;justification