English Language Learners

English Language Learners

The Power of Culturally Relevant Pedagogies

Pitre, Abul; Baptiste, H. Prentice; Esmail, Ashraf; Ross, Alice Duhon; Blakely, Judith

Rowman & Littlefield






15 a 20 dias

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Jancarlos J. Wagner-Romero

Chapter 1. Providing Effective Learning Environments for English Learners through Practicing Care Theory and Understanding Identities

SoYoung Kang

Chapter 2. Moving Toward Coherent and Collaborative Coaching for Linguistically Responsive Teaching

Monica S. Yoo, Leslie Grant, Lisa Fetman, and Veronica Garza

Chapter 3. Working with Undocumented Immigrant Students: Developing and Sustaining Longstanding Relationships

James Cohen, Magdalena Haro, Sarah Heinz, and Thalia Marron

Chapter 4. Assessing the English Language Learner

Amy Van Buren

Chapter 5. Transforming Pre-Service Teacher Education: Culturally Responsive Teaching through Multicultural Children's Literature as a Vehicle of Social Change for English Language Learners

Sunyung Song

Chapter 6. Recognizing Embodied Histories and Intersectionality of Students of Color in Language Teaching

Brianna R. Ramirez and Ruby Osoria

Chapter 7. The Future Is Multilingual: Chicanafuturism as Curriculum for English Language Learners

Jim L. Hollar and Jesslyn R. Hollar

Chapter 8. A Critical Multicultural Analysis of English Learners in Picturebooks

Amina Chaudhri

Chapter 9. Assessment of English Learners: Adopting a Cultural Validity Assessment Framework

Eric J. Lopez and Esther Garza

Chapter 10. Grade Level Placement of English Language Learners: Legal and Ethical Considerations

Mariola Krol

Chapter 11. Characteristics of English Learners

Daniela DiGregorio

Chapter 12. Fluidity of Diversity: Reshaping How Educators Understand English Language Learners' Needs in the Classroom

Dorota Silber-Furman and Andrea Arce-Trigatti

Chapter 13. Serving English Language Learners with Exceptional and Diverse Needs

Srimani Chakravarthi

Chapter 14. Effective Learning Environments for English Learners

Abbey Bachmann

Chapter 15. Culturally Responsive Social-Emotional Learning for ELL Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education

Jessica Furrer and Sara Castro-Olivo

About the Editors

About the Contributors
African English learners;authentic assessment;bilingual education;bilingual learners;bilingual students;bilingualism;cultural relevance;culturally responsive teaching;diversity;dual language education;Effective Learning Environments for English Learners;emerging bilinguals;English as a second language;immigrant students;inclusive education;integrating social change;learner-centered teaching;linguistics;multicultural education;multiculturalism;multilingual education;multilingual learners; multilingual students;multilingualism;racial justice;social change;social justice;teaching English as a foreign language;teaching English as a second language;teaching English to speakers of other languages;TEFL;TESL;TESOL;trans-language;undocumented immigrant children