Undocumented and Unaccompanied

Undocumented and Unaccompanied

Children of Migration in the European Union and the United States

Perreira, Krista; Menjivar, Cecilia

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Introduction 2. Unaccompanied minors from the Northern Central American countries in the migrant stream: social differentials and institutional contexts 3. Re-conceptualising agency in migrant children from Central America and Mexico 4. Deportation as a sacrament of the state: the religious instruction of contracted chaplains in U.S. detention facilities 5. Integration of unaccompanied migrant youth in the United States: a call for research 6. Best interests, durable solutions and belonging: policy discourses shaping the futures of unaccompanied migrant and refugee minors coming of age in Europe 7. Outsourcing the 'best interests' of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in the era of austerity 8. Better off without parents? Legal and ethical questions concerning refugee children in Germany
Unaccompanied Migrant Minors;Young Men;IRCA;Unaccompanied Migrant;Unaccompanied Minors;Unaccompanied Migrant Children;Unaccompanied Children;Unaccompanied Youth;Cam;Migrant Children;Geo Group;FOI Request;Family Detention;NGO Worker;Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children;Dublin Iii Regulation;Housing Support Worker;Undocumented Youth;Religious Services;Unaccompanied Refugee Children;Religious Care;Migrant Young People;Durable Solutions;Federal Constitutional Court;NGO Member