Trauma-Informed Pedagogy

Trauma-Informed Pedagogy

Addressing Gender-Based Violence in the Classroom

Skibba, Candace; Marshall, Jocelyn E.

Emerald Publishing Limited






15 a 20 dias


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Section One. Chaotic Spaces, Kairotic Classrooms

Disasterology; Meaghan Ford

Chapter 1. Teaching Trauma: Sexual Violence and the Kairotic Space of the First-Year Writing Classroom; Dr. Kellie Sharp

Chapter 2. What Comes First - The Topic or The Method?: Why Pedagogy Must Take Center Stage; Dr. Candace Skibba

Chapter 3. "Using Rhetorical Analysis and Trauma-Informed Pedagogy to Disrupt the Lie of 'Love the Way You Lie'; Dr. Elizabeth Johnston

Chapter 4. The New Spectators: Facilitating Conversations between Early British Women Writers and Twenty-First Century Studies; Dr. Ann Pleiss Morris

Section Two. Reclaiming & (Re)Presenting: Pleasure, Pain, and Power

What Lives in the Muscle After the Bruise is Gone; Meaghan Ford

Chapter 5. A Pleasure Syllabus; or, Countering Trauma with Pleasure in the Classroom; Dr. Gabrielle Civil

Chapter 6. Filling the Void in Contemporary Women's Art History; Monika Fabijanska and Dineke van der Walt

Chapter 7. Npuinu (en-pu-i-nu) Corpse; Julia Rose Sutherland

Chapter 8. Trauma-Informed Feminist Practices with Indigenous Artist Julia Rose Sutherland; Jocelyn E. Marshall

Section Three. Affect & Empathy: Stretching Across Bodies and Disciplines, Languages and Nations

My Mother Makes My Rapist a Meatloaf; Meaghan Ford

Chapter 9. Consuming and Producing Trauma Narratives: Multiple Paths to Healing; Dr. Sarita Canon

Chapter 10. Not Letting It Go: Anger, Empathy, and Interdisciplinarity as Trauma-Informed Approach; Jocelyn E. Marshall

Chapter 11. Teaching from the Heart: Trauma and Affective Pedagogies at the Asian University for Women; Dr. Tiffany Cone
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Gender; Methodology; Education; Violence; Patriarchy; Toxic Masculinity, Consent; Rape Culture