Tribal Mind and the Psychology of Collectivism

Tribal Mind and the Psychology of Collectivism

Forgas, Joseph P.

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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01. The Tribal Mind and the Psychology of Collective Delusions Part One: The Nature and Origins of Tribalism 02. An Attachment Perspective on the Tribal Mind: Secure and Insecure Forms of Tribalism 03. A Terror Management Theory Perspective on Tribalism 04. Inductive Reasoning can Facilitate Tribalism 05. The Birthing, Nurturing, and Evolution of Dystopian Groups Part Two: Psychological Mechanisms of Tribalism 06. Tribes of Victims: How Feelings of Victimhood Drive Moral Conflict 07. Bright sides of tribal exaggeration: Collective narcissism and tribal attitudes towards equality 08. Protecting the Tribe from Dominant Leaders 09. Political tribalism, polarization, and the motivated rejection of science Part Three: How Tribal Narratives Dominate Rationality and Reality 10. Psychology of Tribal Narratives 11. Tribalism in Scientific Practice: On the Failure to Erase Collective Misbeliefs in Science 12. The New Book Burners: Academic Tribalism 13. The power of tribal narratives: Understanding the psychological appeal of Marxism Part Four: The Role of Tribalism in Politics and Public Life 14. Tribal Hostility in Political Conflict 15. Use It and Lose It: Exerting Scientific Authority for Political Ends Undermines Scientific Authority 16. Burying the Hatchet: Tribalism is Essential to Peacemaking 17. Is Political Identification a Key for Political Animosity?
Collectivism;Tribalism;Social Psychology;Human Nature;Political Psychology;Identity;Group Affiliation;Tribal Thinking;Significance;Evolution;Group Identity;Morality