Malaspina Expedition 1789-1794 / ... / Volume III / Manila to Cadiz

Malaspina Expedition 1789-1794 / ... / Volume III / Manila to Cadiz

Manila to Cadiz

David, Andrew; Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe; Williams, Glyndwr

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Contents: Preface; From Manila to New Holland: From Manila to Zamboanga; At Zamboanga; From Zamboanga to the Pacific Ocean; From entering the Pacific Ocean to Port Jackson; At Port Jackson. From Port Jackson to Puerto del Callao and at Callao: From Port Jackson to Vava'u; At Port Vava'u; From Vava'u to Callao; Second visit to Callao and Lima. From Callao to Montevideo and at Montevideo: From Callao to Talcahuano; Second visit to Talcahuano and BahA-a ConcepciA (3)n; From Talcahuano to Puerto Egmont; Second visit to Puerto Egmont; From Puerto Egmont to Puerto Santa Elena; At Puerto Santa Elena; From Puerto San Elena to Montevideo; Second visit to Montevideo and preparing the corvettes for war. Preparations in Montevideo for the Return to Spain and the Passage from Montevideo to CA!diz: Continuation of preparations in Montevideo; Preparation for departure from Montevideo; Passage of the squadron and the Lima and Montevideo convoys from Montevideo to CA!diz. Appendixes; Bibliography; Index.
Alejandro Malaspina;Carlos Novi;Felipe Fernandez-Armesto;Glyndwr Williams;Sylvia Jamieson;Bustamante's East Falkland Island survey;Islas Auroras' survey;Malaspina's journal