Malaspina Expedition 1789-1794 / ... / Volume II / Panama to the Philippines

Malaspina Expedition 1789-1794 / ... / Volume II / Panama to the Philippines

Panama to the Philippines

Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe; David, Andrew; Williams, Glyndwr

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Contents: Preface; From Callao to Acapulco: From PanamA! to Realejo; At Realejo; From Realejo to Acapulco; At Acapulco. From Acapulco to Port Mulgrave and Nootka Sound: From Acapulco to Port Mulgrave; At Port Mulgrave; Port Mulgrave to Nootka Sound; At Nootka Sound. From Nootka Sound To Acapulco: From Nootka Sound to Monterey; At Monterey; From Monterey to Acapulco and visit by Descubierta to Isla Guadalupe and San Bas; Return to Acapulco and preparations for crossing the Pacific. From Acapulco to Manila: Acapulco to Guam; At Guam; From Guam to Port Palapag in the Philippines; At Port Palapag; From Port Palapag to Manila and at Sorsogon. At Manila and the Separation of the Corvettes: Events in Manila Bay. The Island Of Luzon And Atrevida's Visit To Macau: Survey of the coast of Ilocos by Descubierta; Laying up Descubierta in Cavite and the survey of Manila Bay; Bustamante's account of Atrevida's visit to Macau; Viana's account of his survey of the coasts of Pangasinan, Ilocos and Cagayan; The survey of the eastern coast of Luzon; Nee's account of his journey from Sorsogon; Haenke's account of his journey from Manila to Bangui; An account of Pineda's journey and his death in Badoc. Appendixes; Works cited.
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UK Hydrographic Office;Young Man;Alejandro Malaspina;La Monja;Carlos Novi;Real Gabinete;Felipe Fernandez-Armesto;Montagu Island;Glyndwr Williams;Malaspina Expedition;Malaspina's voyage;Juan De Fuca Strait;hydrographic charts;Fore Topsail;Malaspina's diario;Moderate Breeze;Strait of Anian;Museo Naval;Laguna De Bay;Starboard Tack;Port Mulgrave;Hour Angles;Astronomical Quadrant;Meridian Altitude;Port Tack;Astronomical Clock;Dead Reckoning;Land Breeze;Sea Breeze;Manila Bay;Light Airs;Full Sail;Point Pinos