Art of Focused Conversation, Second Edition

Art of Focused Conversation, Second Edition

More Than 100 Ways to Access Group Wisdom in Your Organization

Nelson, Jo; Stanfield, R. Brian

New Society Publishers





15 a 20 dias

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Attributions and Gratitude


Origins of the Method


Ch. 1. Why Do Organizations Need Conversations?

Ch. 2. The Focused Conversation Method: An Overview

Ch. 3. The Structure of the Focused Conversation Method

Ch. 4. How Science Supports Focused Conversations

Ch. 5. Preparing a Focused Conversation from Scratch

Ch. 6. Leading a Focused Conversation

Ch. 7. Troubleshooting: Common Problems and Suggested Solutions


Introduction to the Sample Conversations

Section A. Conversations for Preparing and Planning

A1. Preparing a Short Presentation

A2. Getting Input into Writing a Response to a Book or Article

A3. Preparing a Group to Write a Progress Report or Status Update

A4. Preparing a Strategic Presentation on a New Product

A5. Assessing Marketplace Trends

A6. Preparing for the Impact of Government Regulations on a Product

A7. Planning an Organizational Community of Practice

A8. Preparing the Agenda for a Meeting

A9. Identifying Key Themes to Discuss at a Subsequent Meeting

A10. Establishing Priority of Topics to Be Discussed

A11. Planning an Event

A12. Working on a Promotional Piece

A13. Selecting a Theme for an Upcoming Conference

A14. Preparing a Symbol and Slogan for a Public Campaign

A15. Designing New Customer Service Procedures

A16. Preparing for Strategic Planning (Through Reflection)

A17. Focusing a Group on a Shared Problem

A18. Introducing a New Training Topic

A19. Assembling a Budget

A20. Redesigning Office Space

A21. Organizing an In-House Special Interest Group

Section B. Decision-Making Conversations

B1. Deciding Work Priorities

B2. Determining Program Priorities

B3. Developing Terms of Reference for a Project Evaluation

B4. Discussing a Staff Response to a Consultant Report

B5. Implementing a New Board Policy

B6. Reworking Office Operating Guidelines

B7. Making Assignments Within a Team

B8. Deciding on a Trade Show Strategy

B9. Reframing a Team's Mission

B10. Helping a Workmate Think Through a Decision

B11. Breaking up a Decisional Logjam in a Group

B12. Dealing with Work Environment Issues

B13. Identifying Gaps between a Current State and a Future State

Section C. Managing and Supervising Conversations

C1. Canvassing Employees

C2. Reviewing Work Descriptions

C3. Interviewing a Job Applicant

C4. Conducting a Performance Appraisal

C5. New Managers' Reflection on Their Leadership Roles

C6. Musing on a Frustrating Meeting

C7. Reflecting on a Chaotic Meeting

C8. Creating Participation Guidelines

C9. Dealing with Delegation Issues

C10. Interpreting a Shop Floor Grievance

C11. Discussing an Unexpected and Disruptive Impact

C12. Discussing Staff Dissatisfaction

C13. Naming Market Influences

C14. Analyzing Sales Statistics

C15. Highlighting the Comparative Profile of the Firm

C16. Reflecting on a Transition

C17. Assessing the Impact of a Training Experience

C18. Building a Phased Timeline for a Restructuring Project

C19. Reflecting on Organizational Change

C20. Analyzing Budget Performance

C21. Troubleshooting a Stalled Project

C22. Collaborating on a Supply Program

C23. Reflecting on a Proposal for Departmental Reorganization

C24. Reflecting on a Recent Decision

Section D. Conversations for Reviewing and Evaluating

D1. Reviewing a Workshop

D2. Reviewing the Day with a Group

D3. Reviewing a Planning Event

D4. Reviewing the Year

D5. Reviewing an Organization's Past

D6. Reviewing a Consultant's Presentation

D7: Reviewing a Major Report

D8. Understanding the Ongoing Effects of Major Event on Individuals

D9. Discussing an Article

D10. Evaluating a Proposal

D11. Evaluating a Course

D12. Evaluating a Curriculum

D13. Evaluating the Progress of a Project, or Conducting a Lessons Learned

D14. Evaluating a Marketing Campaign

D15. Analyzing a Product that Failed to Sell

D16. Evaluating a Service Offering

D17. Evaluating a New Software Package

D18. Evaluating a Conference

D19. Understanding and Applying Expert Recommendations

D20. Evaluating the Impact of World Events

Section E. Conversations for Coaching and Mentoring

E1. Coaching a Colleague

E2. Talking Through a Job Description

E3. Mentoring a New Employee

E4. Holding an Employee to Account

E5. Discussing a Set of Employee Guidelines

E6. Reflecting on Evaluations with Instructors

E7. Meditating on a Difficult Situation

E8. Mentoring a Staff Person about a Family Crisis Affecting Work #1

E9. Mentoring a Staff Person on a Family Crisis Affecting Work #2

E10. Processing a Traumatic Event with an Employee

E11. Inspiring the Team with a Story

E12. Debriefing a Training Video

E13. Creating a Practice of Journaling

E14. Reflecting on One's Life Journey

E15. Planning for Personal Growth

Section F. Supporting Diversity and Belonging

F1. Assessing the Diversity of the Organization

F2. Reviewing Policies to Strengthen Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

F3. Planning for Internationally Trained Workers

F4. Determining Accommodation Needs

F5. Manager's Reflection on an Employee's Challenge

F6. Reflecting on a Derogatory Experience

F7. Support after Derogatory Comments

F8. Becoming Aware of Microaggressions

F9. Uncovering Roots of Unconscious Bias

Section G. Resolving Conflict

G1. Resolving a Personal Conflict

G2. Personal Reflection on a Conflict

G3. Responding to a Personal Complaint

G4. Calming an Upset Customer

G5. Initiating Dialogue to Understand a Conflict

G6. Resolving a Dispute

G7. Solving a Team Conflict

G8. Resolving a Long-Term Misunderstanding

Section H. Guiding Personal and Celebrative Reflections

H1. Reflecting on the Day

H2. Learning from a Life Event

H3. Facilitator's Internal Reflection While Leading a Group

H4. Appraising an Additional Assignment

H5. Reflecting on a Request to Take on a New Assignment

H6. Celebrating a Great Victory

H7. Interviewing the Employee of the Month

H8. Celebrating a Colleague's Birthday

H9. Celebrating a Colleague's Retirement: A Conversation with the Person

H10. Celebrating a Colleague's Retirement: Group Reflection

Section I. Connecting Work and Life

I1. The After-School Conversation

I2. Reentry After a Learning Event

I3. Internal Reflection in a Crisis

I4. Resolving a Family Dispute

I5. Processing a Traumatic Event with Family


Appendix 1. Possible Tangible Beginning Points for Focused Conversations

Appendix 2. Sample Questions at Each Level

Appendix 3. The Flow of a Focused Conversation

Appendix 4. Guide for Preparing a Conversation

Appendix 5. Focused Conversation Preparation Worksheet

Appendix 6. Example: A Conversation Plan Using the Worksheet

Appendix 7. Example: A Conversation with Typical Answers

Appendix 8. Informal Conversations

Appendix 9. Using the Focused Conversation Method with Other ToP Methods

Appendix 10. Introduction to Image Change

Appendix 11. Other Methods That Follow the ORID Process



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