Teacher Education Landscapes in India

Teacher Education Landscapes in India

Governance and Quality Management

Panda, Pranati

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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List of Tables viii List of Figures ix List of Contributors x Preface xiv Acknowledgements xvii Abbreviations xviii 1 Navigating Governance and Quality Management in Teacher Education in India 1 PRANATI PANDA PART I Governance and Management of Teacher Education 27 2 University and Teacher Education 29 SANTOSH PANDA 3 Centrally Sponsored Schemes in Teacher Education 56 HRIDAY KANT DEWAN 4 Role of State Universities in Maintaining Quality in Affiliated Teacher Education Colleges: A Critical Appraisal 74 SAROJ SHARMA AND PRADEEP KUMAR MISRA PART II Management of Pre-Service Teacher Education 91 5 Curriculum and Change Management: Need for Reimagining Teacher Education 93 MYTHILI RAMCHAND 6 Pedagogical and Process Management in Teacher Education: Special Focus on Internship 112 SYBIL THOMAS 7 Competency Development of Higher Education Teachers: The Evolving India Scenario 135 A. MATHEW 8 ICT in Teacher Education in India 153 HARJEET KAUR BHATIA AND GAURAV SHARMA PART III Quality Management in Teacher Education 175 9 Quality Assurance and Governance in Teacher Education through Open and Distance Learning (ODL): A Critique of Policy Initiatives and Identity Challenges 177 SAROJ PANDEY 10 Is 'Quality' a Good Quality? A Critique of Quality Perspectives in Teacher Education in Contemporary India 191 AMRUTH G. KUMAR 11 Envisioning Quality in Teacher Education: Pedagogical and Curricular Perspectives 204 ALKA BEHARI, NAMITA RANGANATHAN, AND MANSI ANEJA PART IV Privatisation and Financing of Teacher Education 223 12 Privatisation of Teacher Education in India 225 BHANU PRATAP PRITAM 13 Political Economy, Labour Market, and Employability in Teacher Education 241 AARTI SRIVASTAVA AND RASHMI SHARMA 14 Financing of Teacher Education in India 260 PRADEEP KUMAR CHOUDHARY AND AMIT KUMAR Index 280