Smart Computing and Self-Adaptive Systems

Smart Computing and Self-Adaptive Systems

Singh, Simar Preet; Solanki, Arun; Kumar, Rajesh; Polkowski, Zdzislaw; Sharma, Anju

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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Chapter 1. Using Luong and Bahdanau Attention Mechanism on the Long Short Term Memory Networks - A COVID-19 Impact Prediction Case Study. Chapter 2. A Novel Missing Data Imputation Algorithm for Deep Learning-Based Anomaly Detection System in IIoT Networks. Chapter 3. Internet of Things: A Concept, implementations & Applications. Chapter 4. Output Oriented Multi-Pane Mail Booster: Data Crawling And Results In All Category Panes of a Mail. Chapter 5. Eyesight Test through Remote Virtual doctor using IoT. Chapter 6. Recent Trends and Advances in Deep Learning-based Internet of Things. Chapter 7. Prediction and Classification analysis of Type-2 Diabetes using Machine Learning Approaches. Chapter 8. Internet of Thing Based Monitoring Systems and Their Applications. Chapter 9. A Progressive Method to Monitor Power Using IoT. Chapter 10. Cognitive Computing Powered, NLP Based, Autonomous Question-Answering System. Chapter 11. Smart cities and industry 4.0. Chapter 12. Deep Learning Approach in Malware Hunting. Chapter 13. Prediction of Breast and lung Cancer, Comparative Review and Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques.
IoT Application;Smart Devices;Smart Cities;Artificial Intelligence;Power Consumption;Block Chain;IoT Device;Machine Learning;Ml Algorithm;Deep Learning;Deep Learning Techniques;System of Systems;Random Forest;RNN;Lung Cancer Dataset;Hidden Layer;Missing Data Imputation;Breast Cancer Dataset;Missing Data;Training Data Records;Imputed Dataset;Missing Values;Power Monitoring System;Context Vector;RFID Tag;Supervise Ml Algorithm;Cyber Physical Systems;Batch Normalization;IoT Security;Full Field Electroretinogram;Input Dataset