Artificial Intelligence Techniques in IoT Sensor Networks

Artificial Intelligence Techniques in IoT Sensor Networks

Shankar, K; Abdel-Basset, Mohamed; Elhoseny, Mohamed

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1

Adaptive Regularized Gaussian Kernel FCM for the Segmentation of Medical Images - An Artificial Intelligence Based IoT Implementation for Teleradiology Network

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Proposed Methodology

1.2.1 Fuzzy C Means Clustering

1.3 Results and Discussion

1.4 Conclusion


Chapter 2

Artificial Intelligence Based Fuzzy Logic with Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Internet of Things Enabled Logistic Transportation Planning

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Related works

2.3. Proposed Method

2.3.1. Package Partitioning

2.3.2. Planning of delivery path using HFMPSO algorithm

2.3.3. Inserting Pickup Packages

2.4. Experimental Validation

2.4.1. Performance analysis under varying package count

2.4.2. Performance analysis under varying vehicle capacities

2.4.3. Computation Time (CT) analysis

2.5. Conclusion


Chapter 3

Butterfly Optimization based Feature Selection with Gradient Boosting Tree for Big Data Analytics in Social Internet of Things

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Related works

3.3. The Proposed Method

3.3.1. Hadoop Ecosystem

3.3.2. BOA based FS process

3.3.3. GBT based Classification

3.4. Experimental Analysis

3.4.1. FS Results analysis

3.4.2. Classification Results Analysis

3.4.3. Energy Consumption Analysis

3.4.4. Throughput Analysis

3.5. Conclusion


Chapter 4

An Energy Efficient Fuzzy Logic based Clustering with Data Aggregation Protocol for WSN assisted IoT system

4. 1. Introduction

4. 2. Background Information

4. 2.1. Clustering objective

4. 2. 2. Clustering characteristics

4. 3. Proposed Fuzzy based Clustering and Data Aggregation (FC-DR) protocol

4. 3. 1. Fuzzy based Clustering process

4. 3. 2. Data aggregation process

4. 4. Performance Validation

4. 5. Conclusion


Chapter 5

Analysis of Smart Home Recommendation system from Natural Language Processing Services with Clustering Technique

5. 1. Introduction

5. 2. Review of Literatures

5. 3. Smart Home- Cloud Backend Services

5. 3.1 Internet of Things (IoT)

5. 4. Our Proposed Approach

5. 4.1 Natural Language Processing Services (NLPS)

5. 4. 2 Pipeline Structure for NLPS

5. 4. 3 Clustering Model

5. 5. Results and analysis

5. 6. Conclusion


Chapter 6

Metaheuristic based Kernel Extreme Learning Machine Model for Disease Diagnosis in Industrial Internet of Things Sensor Networks

6. 1. Introduction

6. 2. Proposed Methodology

6. 2. 1. Deflate based Compression Model

6. 2. 2. SMO-KELM based Diagnosis Model

6. 3. Experimental results and validation

6. 4. Conclusion


Chapter 7

Fuzzy Support Vector Machine with SMOTE for Handling Class Imbalanced Data in IoT Based Cloud Environment

7. 1. Introduction

7. 2. The Proposed Model

7. 2.1. SMOTE Model

7. 2.2. FSVM based Classification Model

7. 3. Simulation Results and Discussion

7. 4. Conclusion


Chapter 8

Energy Efficient Unequal Clustering Algorithm using Hybridization of Social Spider with Krill Herd in IoT Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks

8. 1. Introduction

8. 2. Research Background

8. 3. Literature survey

8. 4. The proposed SS-KH algorithm

8. 4. 1. SS based TCH selection

8. 4. 2. KH based FCH algorithm

8. 5. Experimental validation

8. 5. 1 Implementation setup

8. 5. 2. Performance analysis

8. 6. Conclusion


Chapter 9

IoT Sensor Networks with 5G Enabled Faster RCNN Based Generative Adversarial Network Model for Face Sketch Synthesis

9. 1. Introduction

9. 2. The Proposed FRCNN-GAN Model

9. 2.1. Data Collection

9. 2.2. Faster R-CNN based Face Recognition

9. 2.3. GAN based Synthesis Process

9. 3. Performance Validation

9. 4. Conclusion


Chapter 10

Artificial Intelligence based Textual Cyberbullying Detection for Twitter Data Analysis in Cloud-based Internet of Things

10. 1. Introduction

10. 2. Literature review

10. 3. Proposed Methodology

10. 3.1. Preprocessing

10. 3.2. Feature extraction

10. 3.3. Feature selection using ranking method

10. 3.4. Cyberbully detection

10. 3.5. Dataset Description

10. 4. Result and discussion

10. 4.1. Evaluation Metrics

10. 4.2. Comparative analysis

10. 5. Conclusion


Chapter 11

An Energy Efficient Quasi Oppositional Krill Herd Algorithm based Clustering Protocol for Internet of Things Sensor Networks

11. 1. Introduction

11. 2. The Proposed Clustering algorithm

11. 3. Performance Validation

11. 4. Conclusion


Chapter 12

An effective Social Internet of Things (SIoT) Model for Malicious node detection in wireless sensor networks

12. 1. Introduction

12. 2. Review of Recent Kinds of literature

12. 3. Network Model: SIoT

12. 3.1 Malicious Attacker Model in SIoT

12. 4. Proposed MN in SIoT System

12. 4.1 Trust based Grouping in SIoT network

12. 4.2 Exponential Kernel Model for MN detection

12. 4.3.1 Example of Proposed Detection System

12. 4.4 Detection Model

12. 5. Results and analysis

12. 6. Conclusion


Chapter 13

IoT Based Automated Skin Lesion Detection and Classification using Grey Wolf Optimization with Deep Neural Network

13. 1. Introduction

13. 2. The Proposed GWO-DNN Model

13. 2.1. Feature Extraction

13. 2.2. DNN based classification

13. 3. Experimental Validation

13. 4. Conclusion


SSIM;AI techniques;SVM Model;machine learning;IoT Device;Sensor Networks;Network Lifetime;Sensor Node;GWO;SVM Approach;Wireless Sensor Networks;Proposed Clustering Algorithm;KH;CHs;Maximized Network Lifetime;CH Selection;Energy Efficiency;IoT Network;GWO Algorithm;Intercluster Communication;IoT System;Modified Particle Swarm Optimization;Unequal Clustering;MN;Local Search Phase;Minimum Logistic Cost;MLP Model;CT Brain Image