Instant Insights: Sensor Technologies in Livestock Monitoring
Instant Insights: Sensor Technologies in Livestock Monitoring
Evans, Caitlin; Fogarty, Elle; Barwick, Jamie; Trotter, Dr Mark; A. Erasmus, Dr Marisa; Costa, Dr Diogo; Chang, Anita; Manning, Jaime; Bailey, Derek; Campbell, Dr Dana L. M.
Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited
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Chapter 2 Poultry welfare monitoring: wearable technologies: Dana L. M. Campbell, CSIRO, Australia; and Marisa A. Erasmus, Purdue University, USA; 1 Introduction2 Radio-frequency identification technology3 Wearable sensors and accelerometers4 Case study: outdoor stocking density in free-range laying hens5 Conclusion6 Future trends in research7 Where to look for further information8 References
Chapter 3 Advances in techniques for health monitoring/disease detection in dairy cattle: Michael Iwersen and Marc Drillich, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria; 1 Introduction2 Shift in the veterinary profession3 Information management systems4 On-farm diagnostic tests5 Electronic devices and precision livestock farming technologies6 Case study: detecting subclinical ketosis in dairy cows7 Conclusion and future trends in research8 Where to look for further information9 References
Chapter 4 Advances in precision livestock farming techniques for monitoring dairy cattle welfare: Henk Hogeveen and Mariska van der Voort, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands; 1 Introduction2 The five domains model for welfare assessment3 The nutrition domain4 The environment domain5 The health domain6 The behavior domain7 The need for algorithms to monitor dairy cattle welfare8 Conclusion9 Where to look for further information10 References
Chapter 5 Advances in technologies for monitoring pig welfare: Maciej Oczak, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria; Kristina Maschat, FFoQSI GmbH, Austria; and Johannes Baumgartner, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria; 1 Introduction2 Good feeding3 Good housing4 Good health5 Appropriate behaviour6 Legal and ethical considerations7 Sensor data management and modelling8 Case study9 Conclusion10 Future trends in research11 Where to look for further information12 References
Chapter 2 Poultry welfare monitoring: wearable technologies: Dana L. M. Campbell, CSIRO, Australia; and Marisa A. Erasmus, Purdue University, USA; 1 Introduction2 Radio-frequency identification technology3 Wearable sensors and accelerometers4 Case study: outdoor stocking density in free-range laying hens5 Conclusion6 Future trends in research7 Where to look for further information8 References
Chapter 3 Advances in techniques for health monitoring/disease detection in dairy cattle: Michael Iwersen and Marc Drillich, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria; 1 Introduction2 Shift in the veterinary profession3 Information management systems4 On-farm diagnostic tests5 Electronic devices and precision livestock farming technologies6 Case study: detecting subclinical ketosis in dairy cows7 Conclusion and future trends in research8 Where to look for further information9 References
Chapter 4 Advances in precision livestock farming techniques for monitoring dairy cattle welfare: Henk Hogeveen and Mariska van der Voort, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands; 1 Introduction2 The five domains model for welfare assessment3 The nutrition domain4 The environment domain5 The health domain6 The behavior domain7 The need for algorithms to monitor dairy cattle welfare8 Conclusion9 Where to look for further information10 References
Chapter 5 Advances in technologies for monitoring pig welfare: Maciej Oczak, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria; Kristina Maschat, FFoQSI GmbH, Austria; and Johannes Baumgartner, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria; 1 Introduction2 Good feeding3 Good housing4 Good health5 Appropriate behaviour6 Legal and ethical considerations7 Sensor data management and modelling8 Case study9 Conclusion10 Future trends in research11 Where to look for further information12 References