Hindi Cinema and Pakistan

Hindi Cinema and Pakistan

Screening the Idea and the Reality

Bharat, Meenakshi

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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Acknowledgements viii 1 Introduction: The Idea of Pakistan in Hindi Cinema 1 2 A Nation Divided: Pakistan and the Partition in Hindi Cinema 15 3 War Clouds: Pakistan and the Uniform in Hindi Cinema 39 4 Proxy Wars: Pakistan and Terrorism in Hindi Films 65 5 The Nation at Play: Pakistan and the Hindi Sports Film 88 6 Loving the Other: Cross-Border Love in the Hindi Film 112 7 Mending Fences: Humour in the India-Pakistan Hindi Film 135 8 Conclusion: The Reality of Pakistan in Hindi Cinema 159 Filmography 177 Appendix 1 180 Appendix 2 184 Bibliography 186 Index 194
Bollywood and Pakistan;Pakistani characters in Indian films;depiction of terrorism in Indian films;islamophobia in India;islamophobia in Indian films