Typical and Atypical Child and Adolescent Development 6 Emotions, Temperament, Personality, Moral, Prosocial and Antisocial Development

Typical and Atypical Child and Adolescent Development 6 Emotions, Temperament, Personality, Moral, Prosocial and Antisocial Development

Emotions, Temperament, Personality, Moral, Prosocial and Antisocial Development

von Tetzchner, Stephen

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Part I Emotions and emotion regulation

1. Children's emotional life

2. Emotions

3. Emotion regulation

4. Cultural differences

5. Main theories of emotional development

6. Early emotional development

7. Emotional development in childhood and adolescence

8. The influence of the environment on children's emotions

9. Reacting to emotions in others

10. Emotional disorders

Summary of Part I

Core Issues

Suggestions for Further Reading

Part II Temperament and personality

11. Individual differences

12. Temperament

13. Personality

14. Theories of personality development

15. The emergence of personality

16. Factors that affect personality development

17. Personality development and later disorders

18. Personality development is a transactional process

Summary of Part II

Core Issues

Suggestions for Further Reading

Part III Moral development

19. Understanding of right and wrong

20. Theoretical perspectives

21. The development of moral understanding

22. Morality and emotions

23. Conscience

24. Callous-unemotional trains and psychopathy

Summary of Part III

Core Issues

Suggestions for Further Reading

Part IV Prosocial and antisocial development

25. Doing good and harm

26. Prosocial behaviour

27. Antisocial behaviour

28. Parenting influences

29. Society and prevention

Summary of Part IV

Core Issues

Suggestions for Further Reading



Antisocial Development;Strong;Antisocial Behavior;Autism Spectrum Disorders;Slightly;Independent;Poor;Repertoire;Callous Unemotional Traits;Violating;Shyness;Follow;Self-referential Emotions;Children's Temperament;Pride;Prosocial Behavior;Main;Behavioral Disorders;Unstable;Effortful Control;Early Temperament;Child's Personality;Hold;Moral Development;Emotional Lability