Transatlantic Hispanic Baroque

Transatlantic Hispanic Baroque

Complex Identities in the Atlantic World

Braun, Harald E.; Perez-Magallon, Jesus

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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Introduction, Harald E. Braun and Jesus Perez-Magallon. Part I The Constitution of Identities in the Hispanic Baroque: Person and individual: Baroque identities in theology and law, Bartolome Clavero; Towards a constructionist essentialism: critical race studies and the Baroque, Ruth Hill; Higher education, 'soft power,' and Catholic identity: a case study from early modern Salamanca, Harald E. Braun; 'The people of the King': autonomy and collective identity in Coyaima, Renee Soulodre-La France. Part II Hispanic Baroque: Religion, Politics, Society: Baroque religion in Spain: Spanish or European?, Henry Kamen; The Baroque and the influence of the Spanish monarchy in Europe (1580-1648), Jose Javier Ruiz Ibanez; Rethinking identity: crisis of rule and reconstruction of identity in the monarchy of Spain, Pablo Fernandez Albaladejo; The preacher feeds and the sermon soothes: body and metaphor in Jesuit preaching, Carlos-Urani Montiel and Shiddarta Vasquez Cordoba. Part III The Urban World and the Hispanic Baroque: The Creole metropolis, Manuel Lucena Giraldo; Foreign communities in the cities of the Catholic monarchy: a comparative perspective between the overseas dominions and the Crown of Castile, Manuel Herrero Sanchez; Writing Madrid, writing identity: a spatial dialogue between the 17th and 18th centuries, Jesus Perez-Magallon; The city and the phoenix: earthquakes, royal obsequies, and urban rivalries in mid-18th-century Peru, Jose R. Jouve Martin; The imagery of Jerusalem in the colonial city, Patricia Saldarriaga. Part IV Neo-Baroque Approaches to Identity: Elegies for a homeland: a Baroque chronicle, a Marxist critique, and conflicting identities in colonial Guatemala, W. George Lovell; Neo-Baroque Catholic evangelism in post-secular Mexico, Kristin Norget; La Fiesta de Santo Tomas as a technology of culture: memory, carnival, and syncretism in the modern Guatemalan identity, Anabel Quan-Haase and Kim Martin. Index.
spanish;monarchy;antonio;maravall;puerta;del;sol;early;Charles III;modern;Young Man;Philip III;Peralta Barnuevo;Transatlantic Hispanic Baroque;Spanish Language;Vice Versa;Biological Race Concept;Alvar Ezquerra;Hispanic Baroque;Opus Dei;Brown University Library;Catholic Low Countries;AGI;Los Angeles;Charismatic Catholic Renewal;Ferdinand III;Peruvian Empire;Modern Guatemala;French King Louis XIV;Philip II's Reign;De Vadillo;St Peter's Basilica;Inca Garcilaso De La Vega;Royal Obsequies