Routledge Companion to the Sound of Space

Routledge Companion to the Sound of Space

Burry, Mark; Burry, Jane; Matthews, Emma-Kate

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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List of figures

List of tables

List of contributors

Main Introduction

Emma-Kate Matthews and Jane Burry

Part I: Architectural Acoustics (Introduction)

Jane Burry

Chapter 1: Designed Extremes

Shane Myrbeck

Chapter 2: Introducing Acoustic Shadows

Pantea Alambeigi and Jane Burry

Chapter 3: Transferring The Impression Of Real And Imaginary Spaces

Philip J B Jackson and Philip D Coleman

Chapter 4: Beyond The Sweet Spot: Sound, Space And Emotion

Raj Patel, Ian Forsyth, Jane Pollard and Ed.Gerrie Van Noord

Chapter 5: Architectural Acoustics of the Sagrada Familia Basilica

Sipei Zhao and Mark Burry

Chapter 6: Intimate Acoustic Environments On Record

Emil Kraugerud

Chapter 7: Long Range: Intrinsic Acoustic Performance

Zackery Belanger, Catie Newell and Wes Mcgee

Part II: Psychology And Physiology (Introduction)

Jane Burry

Chapter 8: Immersive Ambisonic Spatial Audio Design for Extreme Environments

Stu Favilla

Chapter 9: In an Open (Music) Field. Space And Time Notation for Representing Landscape

David Buck and Carla Molinari

Chapter 10: Lend Me Your Ears

Michael Fowler

Chapter 11: Imagining Together

Nina Garthwaite

Chapter 12: Aural Diverse Spatial Perception: From Paracusis to Panacusis Loci

John L. Drever

Chapter 13: On Sonic Growth And Form; Biometric Evolution of Sound and Space Paul Bavister

Chapter 14: Infrastructures of Inaudibility: The Spatial Politics of Assistive Listening

Jonathan Tyrrell

Part III: Philosophy And Politics (Introduction)

Mark Burry

Chapter 15: Reading Aloud: The Vocalisation of Living Space

Paul Carter

Chapter 16: From Affordances to Value Chains: Probing the System of Sound, Space and Public

Sven Anderson

Chapter 17: On Vibrational Architectures

Gascia Ouzounian (Text) and Jan St. Werner (Images)

Chapter 18: House of Silence, of Stillness, of Solitude

Mark Taylor

Chapter 19: Dimensionless Space (With Serrated Edges and Sucking Noises): Intimacy, Asmr, Micro-Magic, Sensory Scholarship and Other Taboos

David Toop

Chapter 20: Posthuman Listening to the More-Than-Human Soundscape

Jordan Lacey

Chapter 21: Towards A Topology of Music

Ildar Khannanov

Chapter 22: Sound's Spatial-Material Circuitry

Raviv Ganchrow

Chapter 23: Place, Sound, and Architecture

Jeff Malpas

Chapter 24: Shaping Sounds of Future Environments

Eleni-Ira Panourgia

Part IV: Sound Art and Music (Introduction)

Emma-Kate Matthews

Chapter 25: Spatiosonic Dialogues: Exploring Architecture's Role in Music Composition and Performance

Emma-Kate Matthews

Chapter 26: In Praise of Emptiness: A Future for Performance Venues

Fabricio Mattos

Chapter 27: Opera in the Bathhouse; Exploring an Acoustically Led Approach to Dramaturgy and Scenography

Rosalind Parker and Pedro Novo

Chapter 28: Sound, Space and the Iko Loudspeaker - The Apparent Paradox of Diversity with Unity

Angela Mcarthur and Emma Margetson

Chapter 29: Intimate Sound: Making Known, Curating and Composing for Small Spaces

Lawrence Harvey

Chapter 30: Listening With, Listening Toward: Proposing Graphic Transcription as a Means Of (Re)Hearing Space

Ben Mcdonnell

Chapter 31: Site-Oriented Music Curation. Contouring The Listening Spaces

Sasha Elina

Chapter 32: Notes from the Far Field

Philip Samartzis

Chapter 33: Fluid Architectures and Aural Sculpturality - Towards an Aesthetic of Sonic Spatio-Temporal Environments

Gerriet Krishna Sharma

Chapter 34: Acoustic Atlas - An Orchestra of Echoes

Cobi Van Tonder

Sound of Space;spatial typologies;reverberant buildings;external public squares;domestic interiors;engineered spaces;sonic;technology;spatial design;performance;composition;philosophy;technical innovation;architecture;engineering;sound design;urban design;product design