Palgrave Handbook of Disability and Communication

Palgrave Handbook of Disability and Communication

Jeffress, Michael S.; Cypher, Joy M.; Scott-Pollock, Julie-Ann; Ferris, Jim

Springer International Publishing AG






15 a 20 dias

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1.Introduction by Michael S. Jeffress, Joy M. Cypher, Jim Ferris and Julie-Ann Scott-Pollock.- PART I: LANGUAGE AND DISABILITY.- 2. Language Matters: Disability and the Power of Taboo Words by Joanne Arciuli, and Tom Shakespeare.- 3. Communicating by Accident: Dysfluency, the Non-Essential, and the Catastrophe by Joshua St. Pierre.- 4. A Framework for Cross-Neurotype Communication Competence by Emily Stones.- 5. Microaggressions Toward People with Disabilities by Danielle Sparrow, Erin Sahlstein Parcell, Emily R. Gerlikovski, and Dathan N. Simpson.- 6. "When We Say That It's Private, a Lot of People Assume It Just Doesn't Exist": Communication, Disability, and Sexuality by Ameera Ali.- PART II: IDENTITY AND INTERSECTIONALITIES.- 7. Ableism and Intersectionality: A RhetoricalPerspective by James L. Cherney.- 8. Performing FitCrip in Daily Life: A Critical Autoethnographic Reflection on Embodied Vulnerability by Julie-Ann Scott-Pollock.- 9. On a Scale of Zero to Ten: A Lyric Autoethnography of Chronic Pain and Illness by Shelby Swafford.- 10. On Being a Diabetic Black Male: An Autoethnography of Race, Gender, and Invisible Disability by Antonio L. Spikes.- 11. Physical Disability in Romantic Relationships: Exploring How Women with Visible Physical Disabilities Navigate Conversations about Their Identity with Male Romantic Partners by Lisa J. DeWeert and Aimee E. Miller-Ott.- 12. Disposable Masks, Disposable Lives: Aggrievement Politics and the Weaponization of Disabled Identity by Brian Grewe and Craig R. Weathers.- PART III. CULTURAL ARTIFACTS & DISABILITY.- 13. Disability Talk with Machines: Reflections on Chatbots, AI & Other Machines Whereby "We" Communicate about Disability by Gerard Goggin, Andrew Prahl, and ZHAUNG Kuansong Victor.- 14. Thinking Inclusiveness, Diversity and Cultural Equity Based on Game Mechanics and Accessibility Features in Mainstream Video Games by Alexandra Dumont and Maude Bonenfant.- 15. Posthuman Critical Theory and the Body on Sports Night by Peter J. Gloviczki.- 16. Never Go Full Potato: Discourses of Cognitivism, Ableism and Sexism in "I Can Count to Potato" Memes by Jeff Preston.- 17. #DisabilityTikTok by Jordan Foster, and David Pettinicchio.- PART IV: INSTITUTIONAL CONSTRUCTS AND CONSTRAINTS.- 18. Communicating Vulnerability in Disasters: Media Coverage of People with Disabilities in Hurricane Katrina and the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami by Liz Shek-Noble.- 19. "Kept in a Padded Black Cell in Case He Accidently Said 'Piccaninny'": Disability as Humor in Brexit Rhetoric by Emmeline Burdett.- 20. "Oh, We Are Going to Have a Problem!": Service Dog Access Microaggressions, Hyper-Invisibility, and Advocacy Fatigue by Robert L. Ballard, Sarah J. Ballard, and Lauren E. Chu.- 21. "The Fuzzy Mouse": Unresolved Reflections on Podcasting, Public Pedagogy, and Intellectual Disability by Chelsea Temple Jones, Kimberlee Collins, Anne Zbitnew, and Jennifer Chatsick.- 22. Organizational Communication and Disability: Improvising Sense-Sharing by Amin Makkawy and Shane T. Moreman.- PART V: ADVOCACY, POLICY, AND ACTION.- 23. Overlooked and Undercounted: Communication and Police Brutality against People with Disabilities by Deion S. Hawkins.- 24. Critical Disability Studies in Technical Communication: A 20-Year History and the Future of Accessibility by Leah Heilig.- 25. Communication Infrastructures: Examining How Community Storytelling Facilitates or ConstrainsCommunication Related to Medicaid Waivers for Children by Whittney H. Darnell.- 26. "Governing Deaf Children and Their Parents through (and into) Language by Tracey Edelist.- 27. #ImMentallyIllAndIDontKill: A Case Study of Grassroots Health Advocacy Messages on Twitter Following the Dayton and El Paso Shootings by Sarah Smith-Frigerio.
Disability studies;Disability communication;Disability discourse;Ableism;Neurodiversity;Rhetoric of disability;Disability Microaggression