Origins and Ascendancy of the Concert Mass

Origins and Ascendancy of the Concert Mass

Rocke, Stephanie

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Part I: Origins

Chapter 1 Exploring the Ordinary of the Roman Rite

Chapter 2 Differing Opinions about Music within the Church

Chapter 3 Musical Formulations: From Plainchant to Concert Mass

Chapter 4 Haydn's Harmoniemesse (1802): An Early Concert Mass

Part II: Becoming

Chapter 5 The Concertisation of the Mass

Chapter 6 Secularisation and Cultural Change: From Court and Church to Choral Societies and Choice

Chapter 7 Nineteenth-century Concert Masses

Part III: Division

Chapter 8 Banished from the Eucharist: Cecilians, Plainsong Restoration, the Motu Propio, and Vatican II

Chapter 9 Daniel Lentz's Missa Umbrarum (1973)

Part IV: Divided

Chapter 10 Masses for concert halls 1903-1963

Chapter 11 Missa Carminum (Folk Song Mass)

Part V: Ascendance

Chapter 12 Conclusions and Future Directions
Concert Mass;Credo;Western art music genres;Agnus Dei;Church services;Baroque;Follow;Christian's origins;Mozart;Secular Venue;Dona Nobis Pacem;Roman Rite;Stile Antico;Kyrie Eleison;Motu Proprio;Christe Eleison;Antico;Viennese;Concert Hall;Beethoven;Held;USA;Stile Moderno;Vatican II;Sacred Music;Cantus Firmus;Church Music;Fanshawe