European Convention of Human Rights Regime

European Convention of Human Rights Regime

Reform of Immigration and Minority Policies from Afar

Anagnostou, Dia

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


Descrição não disponível.
1. Minorities and migrants in the Strasbourg Court
2. Transnational litigation and human rights experimentalism
3. From politics to law: ECHR reform and legal opportunities
Part I - Litigation and legal mobilization
4. Seeking protection of minorities and victims of armed conflict
5. Legal strategies for migrants' rights and policy change
Part II - Judgment implementation and domestic reform
6. Tackling Roma segregation in education
7. Pressuring for asylum and immigration detention reform
8. The ECHR as an experimentalist governance regime
Annex: A note on methodology and data collection
uropean Convention of Human Rights (ECHR);human rights law;immigration law;minority rights law;civil society;human rights litigation;regional human rights regimes;international courts;migrants' rights;socio-legal studies;Human Rights;ECHR System;ECtHR Judgments;Ethnic Discrimination;Strasbourg Court;ECtHR Rulings;Non-governmental Actors;EU Law;Immigration Detention;International Human Rights Courts;EU Asylum Policy;Roma Rights;Asylum Service;CRPD;EU Asylum;Human Rights Experimentalism;GHM;Mild Mental Disabilities;Roma Children;UMs;Roma Pupils;OSI