Bloomsbury Handbook to Literature and Psychoanalysis

Bloomsbury Handbook to Literature and Psychoanalysis

Tambling, Jeremy

Bloomsbury Publishing PLC






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Author Biographies
Preface and Acknowledgements
Jeremy Tambling

Abbreviations To Freud and Lacan Texts

Introduction Literature: the Other of Psychoanalysis
Jeremy Tambling

Forms of Psychoanalysis

1 When Psychoanalysis Plays with Words
Andrea Bachner

2 The Eyes of the Other: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the Uncanny
Ben Moore

3 Arthemidorus' Interpretation of Dreams: Foucault, Freud, Derrida
Paul Allen Miller

4 The Atomystique of the "Purloined Letter" Debate
David Sigler

5 A Rose of Iron Fillings: Charles Mauron and the Psychoanalytical Critical Turn
Catherine Lanone

6 A Schizoanalytic Walk with Desire
Celiese Lypka

7 Sublimation and Symptom: Fantasy, Story, Work, Pleasure
Daniel Katz

8 Psychoanalysis's China: Freud, Lacan, and the Chinese Script
Andrea Bachner

Reading Texts

9 The First Gift: Freud, David Copperfield, and Sisters Bernays
Peter L. Rudnytsky

10 Beyond the Pleasure Principle: Antigone's 'No' and the Ethic's of Psychoanalysis
Paul Allen Miller

11 The Alice Books: Carroll's Wonder
Sophie Marrett-Maleval

12 Psychoanalysis and Crime Fiction
Simao Valente

13 Shakespeare in Psychoanalysis: Hamlet, The Merchant of Venice, and King Lear
Andrea Bachner

14 Reading Hamlet with Lacan: The Joint of Symtoms, Desire and Time
Nicholas Pierre Boileau

15 The Subject of Poetry
Freud and Early Analysis

Psychoanalysis and Modernism

16 Excess, Trauma, and Negativity in Eliot and Lawrence
Fuhito Endo

17 The Counter-Impulses of Proust's A La Reserche du Temps Perdu
L. Scott Lerner

18 James Joyce, or the Literary Symptom of Psychoanalysis
Jean-Michel Rabate

19 Entangled Minds: Bion and Beckett
Angela Moorjani

20 Badiou's Lacan and the Beckett-Event
Colin Wright

21 Narcissicism and Paranoid Interpretation: Surrealism, Ernst, and Dali
Jeremy Tambling

Psychoanalysis, Feminism and Gender

22 Hysteria
Judith Roof

23 Strangers to the Aesthetic: Psychoanalysis and Gender in Bataille and Kristeva
Malt Fabian Rauch

24 Psychoanalysis and Queer Sexualities: Djuna Barnes' Nightwood
Chris Coffman

25 The Absent Mother in Mrs. Dalloway: Woolf, Klein and Freud
Fuhito Endo

26 Lacan, the Feminine, and Feminisms
Maria Josefina Sota Fuentes

27 Lesbian Film Theory
Judith Roof

Psychoanalysis and Cultural Theory

28 The Battle for the Voice: Psychoanalysis and Music
Tom DeRose

29 Sibling Incest in Wagner
Christopher Wintle

30 'The Creature...Was...a Man!': Psychoanalysis, Freud and Animals
Nicholas Ray

31 Machines of Delusion and Desire: Literature, Media Theory, and Psychoanalysis
Andrew Gaedtke

32 Steve Jobs and the iGadget in the Economy of Jouissance
Scott Wilson

33 Posthumanism: Love in the Time of AI
Colin Wright

34 Unravellings: Religion, Colonialism, and Psychoanalysis
Benigno Trigo

35 A Zizekian Intervention in Traditional Postcolonial Thought
Ahmed Elbeshlawy

36 A "Living Depersonalization": Fanon and Mannoni on Colonialism's Psychic Violence
Christopher Lane

37 Psychoanalysis, Suzanne Cesaire, Martinique, and Carribean Surrealism
Hanetha Vete-Congolo

Suggested Further Reading

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Mary Shelley; Frankenstein; uncanny; dreams; Foucault; Freud; Derrida; desire; Charles Mauron; fantasy; work; pleasure; Lancan; ethics; Antigone; crime fiction; Shakespeare; trauma; Proust; narcissism; paranoia; surrealism; hysteria; gender studies; queer; sexuality; aesthetics; film theory; AI; artificial intelligence; religion; colonialism; Cesaire; Martinique; posthuman; posthumanism