Affects of Pedagogy in Literary Studies

Affects of Pedagogy in Literary Studies

Emmett, Hilary; Lloyd, Christopher

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias

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List of Contributors


Hilary Emmett and Christopher Lloyd, 'Introduction: Affect, Pedagogy, Literary Studies'

I. Textualities and Reading Practices

Jill Noel Fennell, 'Describing Feeling: How Affect Theory Made Me Better at Teaching Close Reading'

Katherine Parker-Hay, 'Queer Theory in the Classroom: Teaching Reparative Reading'

Michael J. Collins, 'The Indignant Schoolmaster: Bad Faith Pedagogy and Anne Sullivan's "Little Alabamian"'
II. 'Good' and 'Bad' Feelings

Hannah Murray, 'Confusion'

Christopher W. Clark, 'Feeling Failure: Rethinking "Negative" Affect in the University'

Kim Evelyn, '"I'm so happy right now!": Inviting Joy and Excitement into the Literature and Cultural Studies Classroom'

Christopher Lloyd, 'Dis/comforts'
III. Triggers and Responses

Brandon L. Sams, 'Divergent Intensities in the Literature Classroom: Affective Encounters, Critical Control'

Mildrid H. A. Bjerke, 'The Busy Have No Time for Tears: Affect as Political Tool in Literary Studies'

Declan Wiffen and Betsy Porritt, 'Collective, Anecdotal, and Generative Refusal: A Queer Feminist Pedagogy of the Unknown'

Crystal Harris, 'Teaching While "Biting My Lip": Overcoming Patriarchy in the Classroom'
IV. On Situatedness: Race, Identity, and the (Trans)Cultural

Alex Rajinder Mason, 'Decolonisation and the Desk'

Owen Cantrell, 'Fragility and Empathy in the Literature Classroom'

Myles Chilton, 'Affect, History, and Emotional Bridges in Non-Anglophone English Literature Pedagogy'

Joanna Davis-McElligatt, 'Toward a Pedagogy of Pain'

Hilary Emmett, 'Coda: Where Do We Go From Here?'

Vice Versa;Sianne Ngai;Dense;Toxic Masculinity;Early American Literature;Literature Classroom;Emotional Bridges;Disengage;Reparative Reading;Confer;Follow;Paranoid Reading;White Fragility;Fragile Masculinity;Claudia Rankine;Ahmed's Words;Threshold Concept;Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Half;Trigger Warnings;Winthrop's Sermon;Black Pain;Ignorant Schoolmaster;Sullivan's Method;Past Tense;Affective Encounter