Teaching through the Archives

Teaching through the Archives

Text, Collaboration, and Activism

Cecil-Lemkin, Ellen; Beasley, James P.; Enoch, Jennifer; Tirabassi, Katherine E.; Skinnell, Ryan; Keaton, Megan; Greer, Jane; Hayden, Wendy; Graban, Tarez Samra; Maynard, Travis

Southern Illinois University Press






15 a 20 dias

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List of Illustrations and Tables
Foreword: The Archives of Epistemic Possibility by Ryan Skinnell
Teaching Rhetoric and Composition through the Archives: Critical Introduction by Wendy Hayden and Tarez Samra Graban
Section I. Archives as Text
1. Using the Archives to Teach Slow Research and Create Local Connections by Lisa Mastrangelo
2. Cultivating a Feminist Consciousness in the University Archive by Lisa Shaver
3. Arranging Our Emotions: Archival Affects and Emotional Responses by Jane Greer
4. Creative Storytelling: Archives as Sites for Nonfiction Research and Writing by Katherine E. Tirabassi
5. Assembled Trajectories, Perishable Performances, and Teaching from the Harvard Archives by James Beasley
Section II. Archives as Collaboration
6. Internships as Techne: Teaching the Archive through the Museum of Everyday Writing by Jennifer Enoch, Megan Keaton, Ellen Cecil-Lemkin, and Travis Maynard
7. Listening Rhetorically to Build Collaboration and Community in the Archives by Shirley K Rose, Glenn C. W. Newman, and Robert P. Spindler
8. Recursion and Responsiveness: Archival Pedagogy and Archival Infrastructures in the Same Conversation by Jenna Morton-Aiken and Robert Schwegler
9. Tending Archives: Digital Archival Practices and Making the Work of Technical Communicators Visible to Students by Erin Brock Carlson, Michelle McMullin, and Patricia Sullivan
10. Professional Writing for the Archives: Collaboration and Service Learning in a Proposal Writing Class by Jonathan Buehl, Tamar Chute, and Laura Kissel
Section III. Archives as Activism
11. Delinking Student Perceptions of Place With/in the University Archive Laura Proszak and Ellen Cushman
12. Archives as Resources for Ethical In(ter)vention in Community-Based Writing Michael-John DePalma
13. Learning to (Re)Compose Identities: Creating and Indexing the JHFE Jewish Kentucky Oral History Repository with Undergraduate Researchers and Jewish Rhetorical Practices by Janice W. Fernheimer, Beth L. Goldstein, Sarah Dorpinghaus, and Douglas A. Boyd
14. "Flagged for Deletion": Wikipedia, the Federal Writers' Project and First-Year Composition by Courtney Rivard
15. Is Anyone Sitting Here?: Mirroring Gaillet's "Survival Steps" in a Community-Based, Justice-Focused Classroom by Jeanne Law-Bohannon and Shiloh Gill Garcia
16. "Loving Blackness" as a First-Year Composition Student Learning Outcome in the Archives by Michelle S. Hite, with Tiffany Atwater, Holly Smith, and Andrea Jackson
Afterword: Why Teach through the Archives? by LynEe Lewis Gaillet and Katherine H. Adams
Appendix A: "Creative Storytelling": Creative Nonfiction Archival Research Project
Appendix B: ENC 6700 Studies in Composition Theory
Appendix C
Appendix D: Spelman College English Composition Shared Student Learning Outcomes
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academic labor; archival activism; archival literacy; archival pedagogies; collaboration; community-based learning; cross-disciplinarity; cultural studies; institutional histories; institutional politics; research pedagogies; service-learning; social justice; Folksonomy hashtag method; Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center Archival Program; Atlanta Student Movement Mural; Lenora Taitt; Emory University Archives; feminist consciousness; everyday writing; archival pedagogy; digital archival practices; digital archive practices; service learning; community-based writing; JHFE Jewish Kentucky Oral History Repository; The Federal Writers’ Project; first-year composition; archival praxis; rhetoric and archives; nonfiction research and writing