Supervision in Speech and Language Therapy

Supervision in Speech and Language Therapy

Personal Stories and Professional Wisdom

Sparkes, Cathy; Simpson, Sam; Harding, Deborah

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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1. Climbing out of the Window: Finding Supervision

Zein Pereira

2. The Role of Supervision in Supporting and Empowering Patient Voice and Choice

Scott Ballard-Ridley

3. Supervision in Pre-registration Speech and Language Therapy Education

Melanie Packer

4. Insights into Supervision in Speech and Language Therapy: Exploring the Experiences of Ethnic Minority Clinicians and Reflections on Continued Practice

Ilyeh Nahdi and Sahar Nashir

5. Establishing Supervision Practices: One Manager's Journey

Dawn Leoni

6. The Alchemy of Group Supervision

Penny Farrell, Jennifer Roche, Edel O'Dea and Lauren Tyson

7. A Lifejacket in Stormy Seas: Supervision for Speech and Language Therapists Working with Young People who have Mental Health Challenges

Melanie Cross

8. The Role of Profession-specific Supervision and Support in the Safe and Effective Care of Clients in Clinical Settings.

Jackie McRae and Kimerley Clarke

9. Supervision: A Personal and Professional Perspective.

Lorraine Maher-Edwards

10. From Permafrost to Permeability: Supervision as the Foundation of Professional and Public Safety

Deborah Harding

11. Must it Always be Within or Could it be Outside? Constructions of Supervision Outside your Own Profession

Fran Brander and Gavin Newby

12. Developing a Multi-disciplinary Allied Health Professional Supervision Strategy: A Case Study

Lucie Rochfort

13. Group Supervision: 'A Woven Sculpture'.

Ann Farquhar, Karen Cundy, Sarah Stewart and Zein Pereira

14. The Value of Supervision: What do our Clients Say About It?

Iain Wilkie

15. Supervision in Advanced Practice: Insights from a Speech and Language Therapist

Lucy Titheridge

16. Building Competency and Professional Safety through Supervision: Insights from the Specialist Oncology Setting

Kate Ashforth and Justin Roe

17. Peer Supervision: Drawing on Collective Knowledge

Kate Balzer, Claire Farrington-Douglas and Mary Ganpatsingh

18. Going it Alone: Being a Supervisee and Supervisor in Independent Practice (and what I have learnt in the process about being human)

Rachel Barton

19. Looking Back and Looking Forward: Facilitating Robust Supervision Culture and Practice through Training

Sam Simpson and Cathy Sparkes
