Standard Model Phenomenology

Standard Model Phenomenology

Khalil, Shaaban; Moretti, Stefano

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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1. QED Theory. 2. From Fermi Theory to V-A. 3. Non-Abelian Gauge Theories. 4. Theory of EW Interactions. 5. SSB and Higgs Mechanism. 6. Glashow-Weinberg-Salam Model. 7. Strong Interactions and QCD. 8. Tests of QCD Interactions 9. Higgs Phenomenology. 10. Fermion Masses and Mixing. 11. CP Violation. 12. Tests of EW Interactions. 13. top and Higgs Discovery. Chapter 14. Neutrino Masses and Mixing
standard model;phenomenology;particle physics;large hadron collider;accelerator physics;particle accelerator;Higgs Boson;Gauge Bosons;Higgs Field;CP Violation;Top Quark;Gauge Field;Mass Eigenstates;Unitary Gauge;Gauge Invariance;CKM;Gauge Transformation;Lepton Number;Complex Scalar Field;Gluon Gluon Fusion;QCD Correction;Covariant Derivative;Higgs Sector;Sld;Semileptonic Decays;Flavour Eigenstates;Gauge Structure;SLC;Quark Mass;Em Field;Higgs Mass