Shakespeare in the Age of Mass Incarceration

Shakespeare in the Age of Mass Incarceration

Fox, Liz; Hausknecht, Gina

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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Foreword; Introduction: Why is Shakespeare in Prison Today?; Past & Present; 1. Shakespeare's "Working-house of thought": The prison in early modern London; 2. Hope Needs to be Loud: A Founding Member on Nearly Thirty Years of Shakespeare Behind Bars; 3. Three Thousand Hours: Shakespeare and Awe in Prison; Interventions; 4. The Cultural Invasion of Shakespeare in Prison; 5. The Cultural Invasion of Shakespeare in Prison: Contexts and Futures; 6. Shakespeare at Auburn: Reflections on Teaching & Learning in the Prison Classroom; 7. "Prisoners of our Actions": Teaching Hamlet on Rikers Island; 8. Playing Many Parts: The Challenges of Representing Incarcerated Shakespeares; 9. Michael Chekhov Technique as a Trauma-responsive Practice in Shakespeare in Prison; Practice; 10. "Presume not that I am the thing I was": Collaborative Theater Companies in English Prisons; 11. "Like Bright Metal on a Sullen Ground": The First Six Months of a Prison Shakespeare Program; 12. Wasps and Falcons: Figurative Language and Teaching Shakespeare's Women; 13. Counter-Readings: Reimagining Shakespeare in Prison Libraries; 14. I Was Octavius Caesar; Futures; 15. Within and Beyond: Shakespeare Behind/BEYOND Bars; 16. Time Out of Joint: Taking Shakespeare from Prisons to Schools; 17. Marin Shakespeare Company and the Returned Citizens Theatre Troupe; Index
prison theatre;incarcerated actors;college-in-prison;prison educators;social justice;prison arts