Random Riches

Random Riches

Gambling Past & Present

Zollinger, Manfred

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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List of Figures and Tables

Notes on Contributors


Dealing in Chances-An Introduction

Manfred Zollinger

PART 1: Paths Toward Modern Gambling

1 The Ancient Roots of Modern Gambling

Gherado Ortalli

2 Bingo! A Material History of Modern Gaming

Thierry Depaulis

3 The Lure of Lady Luck: Lotteries and Economic Culture in the Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Low Countries

Jeroen Puttevils

4 Taking Chances: Girolamo Cardano on Gambling, and the Art of Memory, and Magic

Sergius Kodera

5 Debating the Lottery in Britain c. 1750-1830

James Raven

6 Heterotopias of Chance: Gambling and Subjectivity around 1800

Peter Schnyder

PART 2: Gambling in Contemporary Consumer Societies

7 Cultural and Social Meanings of Gambling in Finland and Sweden: A Historical Perspective

Riitta Matilainen

8 The Economic and Fiscal Impact of Syndicate Play

Roberto Garvia

9 All You Need is a Dollar and a Dream: Explaining the Inverse Relationship between Socio-economic Position and Lottery Play

Jens Beckert and Mark Lutter

10 A Brief Survey of German Casinos before and after World War II

Manfred Zollinger

11 Casino Gambling as Part of the German Gambling Market

Lothar Huebl

PART 3 Perceptions and Realities of Gambling, Chance, and Risk

12 Games and Passions: Huizinga's Homo ludens as Spieltrieb

Willem Otterspeer

13 "Pathological" Gambling in an Age of Chance

Gerda Reith

14 Gambling and Speculation: Perceptions and Reality

Reuven Brenner


lottery;tickets;state;lotteries;gambling;problem;market;play;age;chance;Young Men;Universidad Carlos III De Madrid;American Psychiatric Association;Problem Gambling;Vice Versa;Swedish Gambling;Lottery Tickets;City Archive Antwerp;German Casinos;Lottery Markets;Gaming Machines;Lottery Play;Lottery Expenditures;De Bruyne;Homo Ludens;Casino Industry;Table Games;Gambling Market;Norddeutscher Bund;OLS Regression;Buy Lottery Tickets;Public Gambling;Gaming Houses;Commercial Gambling;Tommaso Portinari