Performance, Resistance and Refugees

Performance, Resistance and Refugees

Suliman, Samid; Wake, Caroline; Little, Suzanne

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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List of Figures


Contributors' Biographies

Introduction: Performance, Refuge and Resistance

Suzanne Little, Samid Suliman and Caroline Wake

On Stage

Chapter 1 Refugees, Visual Culture and Theatre: Reinscriptions and Contestations

Suzanne Little

Chapter 2 The Breath of Another: Mediated Testimony in the Play Manus

Anna Szoerenyi

Chapter 3 Eschewing Precarity in Spoken Word Poetry: Towards the Performance of Agency in Refugee Storytelling

Sukhmani Khorana

Chapter 4 Manus Island and Kurdistan in Juxtaposition: Reading Remain and Chauka, Please Tell Us the Time Beyond the Story of the Manus Prison

Zhila Gholami

Chapter 5 Offshore Onstage: Refugee Policies, Media Ecologies and Migrant Dramaturgies in Australia, 2001-2021

Caroline Wake

Off Stage

Chapter 6 Trouble on the Horizon

Suvendrini Perera

Chapter 7 The Anxiety of Cosmopolitanism in Political Philosophy

Nikos Papastergiadis

Chapter 8 How to Appear? Writing Art History in Australia after 1973

Veronica Tello

Chapter 9 Nomocide or the Nonperformativity of Colonial Law

Maria Giannacopoulos

Chapter 10 Putting on a Show: Considering the Dark Matter of Australian Border Theatre

Samid Suliman

Asylum Seekers;Pacific Solution;OSB;Offshore Detention;UN;Manus Island;Verbatim Theatre;SIEV;Maritime Incident;Offshore Detention Centres;Offshore Processing Centres;Australia's Border;Waterfall;Unauthorised Arrivals;Mandatory Detention;Face To Face;Follow;Australian Art History;Border Continuum;Dark Matter;Spoken Word Poetry;Offshore Processing;Slam Poetry;Successive Australian Governments;Kurdish Refugee