Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms

Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms

4th International Conference, NUMTA 2023, Pizzo Calabro, Italy, June 14-20, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, Part II

Sergeyev, Yaroslav D.; Astorino, Annabella; Kvasov, Dmitri E.

Springer International Publishing AG





15 a 20 dias

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Dimensionality Reduction with Proper Symplectic Decomposition for Learning Hamiltonian Dynamics.- Aspects of Optimization in Domestic Drinking Water Purification Systems.- Parallel Cyclic Reduction of Bordered Almost Block Diagonal Matrices.- A Direct/Indirect Approach to Optimal Control Problems.- Metaplectic Gabor Frames of Wigner-Decomposable Distributions.- Identifying Dengue Hotspots in Baguio City, Philippines through Spatiotemporal Analysis.- Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes for Master Equations Modeling Open Quantum Systems.- The Scaling Behavior of High-Order Structure Functions for a Turbulent Jet Induced by a Rotating Propeller.- Analysis of Computational Fluid Dynamics Approaches for the Development of Microfluidic Devices.- Extragradient Method For Monotone Variational Inequality in CAT(0) Spaces.- A Symbolic-Numerical Approach to Index Reduction and Solution of Differential-Algebraic Equations.- A MATLAB Code for Handling Efficiently Discontinuous BVPs.- Optimal Transport Flow Distribution and Construction of Wardrop Optimal Networks.- Optimizing the Reuse of Building Demolition Materials for Coastal Dunes Reestablishment.- A Simple Mathematical Solution to an Invariance Problem in Water Networks.- Scalability of Saharan Dust Outbreak Modelling with the Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting Model Coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem).- Choosing Kernel Shape Parameters in Partition of Unity Methods by Univariate Global Optimization Techniques.- A Bayesian Approach for Simultaneously Radial Kernel Parameter Tuning in the Partition of Unity Method.- Application of Deep Learning for Wildfire Risk Management: Preliminary Results.- Node-Binded Communities for Interpolation on Graphs.- A Fast Algorithm for Numerical Differentiation from Scattered Data.- Preconditioning Strategies for RBF Interpolation.- An Alternative Nonlinear Diffusion Algorithm for Image Denoising and Deblurring.- Some Numerical Approaches for Bifurcation of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems.- The Effects of Different Mesh Sizes on a Cellular Automata-Based Hydrological Model.- Computation of the Confluent Hypergeometric Function M(a,b,x).- Multi-Objective Support Vector Machine Classification Algorithm for Estimation of the Potential Atmospheric Water Harvesting.- IoT and Artificial Intelligence Integration for a Stormwater Monitoring and Management System.- Optimization Method Development for Water Management of Green Roof Systems.- Weighted Finite Element Method and Body of Optimal Parameters for One Problem of the Fracture Mechanics.- A Shallow Water Model: Analytical and Numerical Study for Simulating the Coastline Evolution.- On the Division in the Computation of Binary BBP-Type Formulas for Mathematical Constants.- Numerical Analysis of Sedimentation Tanks Efficiency Using CFD Simulation.- A Probabilistic Note on the WY Representation of Householder QR.- Applying Machine Learning to Improve Weather Forecasting in a Mediterranean Area: Preliminary Experiments.
Applied Mathematics;Approximation;Computational Fluid Dynamics;Computational Geometry;Data Analysis;Differential Equations;Dynamical Systems;Emerging Computational Technologies;Environmental Engineering;High Performance Computing;Machine Learning;Multidisciplinary Design Optimization;Numerical Algebra;Parallel and Distributed Computing Methodologies;Quantum Computing;Software and its Engineering;Water Supply Models