Memory and Identity in the Learned World

Memory and Identity in the Learned World

Community Formation in the Early Modern World of Learning and Science

van Miert, Dirk; Scholten, Koen; Enenkel, Karl A.E.







15 a 20 dias


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List of Illustrations

Notes on the Editors

Notes on the Contributors

1 Introduction: Memory and Identity in Learned Communities

?Koen Scholten

Part 1: Collective Identity

2 "Identities" in Humanist Autobiographies and Related Self-Presentations

?Karl A.E. Enenkel

3 Female Faces and Learned Likenesses: Author Portraits and the Construction of Female Authorship and Intellectual Authority

?Lieke van Deinsen

4 Scholarly Identity and Gender in the Respublica litteraria: The Cases of Luisa Sigea (1522-1560) and Margaret Cavendish (1623-1673)

?Esther M. Villegas de la Torre

5 The Republic of Letters Mapping the Republic of Letters: Jacob Brucker's Pinacotheca (1741-1755) and Its Antecedents

?Floris Solleveld

Part 2: Institutional Memory as a Shared Past

6 Mirror, Model, Muse: Institutional Memory and Identity in the Dublin, Oxford and Royal Societies

?Constance Hardesty

7 Miscellanies of Memory: From Scholarly Biography to Institutional History in the Early Modern German University

?Richard Kirwan

Part 3: Memory Cultures and Modes of Remembrance

8 Tracing the Sites of Learned Men: Places and Objects of Knowledge on the Dutch and Polish Grand Tour

?Paul Hulsenboom and Alan Moss

9 The Curious Case of Isaac Casaubon's Monstrous Bladder: The Networked Construction of Learned Memory within the Seventeenth-Century Reformed World of Learning

?Dirk van Miert

Index Nominum