Material Culture in Transit

Material Culture in Transit

Theory and Practice

Jallo, Zainabu

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias

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List of figures




Moving Matter: Worlds f Material Culture

Zainabu Jallo

Part I Museology Representation and Colonial Liabilities

1. After Interpretive Dominance

Anna Schmid

2. "Wo Ist Afrika?": Of Reflexive Museography, and Other (Productive?) Disappointments

Sandra Ferracuti

3. "Out of Context"- Translocation of West African Artefacts to European Museums: The Case of the Leo Frobenius Collection From Mali

Cecile Bruendlmayer

4. The Museum as a Colonial Archive. The Collection of Victor and Marie Solioz and Its Role in Forgetting the Colonial Past

Samuel B. Bachmann

5. Museum Collections in Transit: Towards A History of The Artefacts Of The Endeavour Voyage

Nicholas Thomas

Part II Heuristic Materiality Meanings and Transformations

6. "To Give Away My Collection For Free Would Be Nonsense": Decorations And The Emergence Of Ethnology In Imperial Germany

Carl Deussen

7. Discourse On Objectification And Personification: Modern Forms Of Material Cultural Identity In The Touareg Society

Djouroukoro Diallo

8. The Material Culture Of Vodun: Case Studies From Ghana, Togo, Germany And In-Between

Niklas Wolf

9. Ndambirkus and Ndaokus; Asmat Skulls In Transit

Jan Joris Visser

10. On The Art Of Forging Gods: Techniques, Forces And Materials In An Afro-Brazilian Religion.

Lucas Marques
Follow;Ethnographic Museums;European Museum;Ethnographic Collections;Ethnographic Objects;Material Culture;Ethnographic Collecting;German Southwest Africa;SUV Model;Human Remains;Young Men;Vice Versa;Endeavour Voyage;Provenance Research;Colonial Archive;Ethnology Museums;Glenn Penny;Colonial Administrations;Wo;Salvador De Bahia;SUV;Colonial Entanglements;Mami Wata;Cowrie;Conferred