Leon Battista Alberti and Nicholas Cusanus

Leon Battista Alberti and Nicholas Cusanus

Towards an Epistemology of Vision for Italian Renaissance Art and Culture

Carman, Charles H.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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List of Illustrations, Preface: Perspectiva ut Poesis, Acknowledgements, 1. Alberti and Cusanus: An Overview, 2. On Painting: Setting the Stage and "Tutta la Storia", 3. The Eye of the Mind: Where it Goes, What it Sees, 4. Divine and Human Vision: Perspective and the Coincidence of Opposites, 5. Disclosing Metaphors 1: Ways into Perspective, 6. Disclosing Metaphors 2: The Window, The Flower, and The Map, Conclusion, Bibliography, Index
De Pictura;albertis;Single Point Perspective;della;Della Pittura;dialectical;Alberti's Text;mysticism;Alberti's Perspective;perspective;Dialectical Mysticism;pictura;De Ap;pittura;Learned Ignorance;point;Photo Credit;single;Winged Eye;text;Quid Tum;Brancacci Chapel;Alberti's Painter;Spencer's Translation;Brunelleschi's Demonstration;Dinner Pieces;Visual Pyramid;Ovid's Narcissus;Young Man;Sensate Wisdom;Brunelleschi's Panel;Libri Della Famiglia;Florentine Baptistery;La Dolce;Tribute Money