Language Production

Language Production

Hartsuiker, Robert J.; Strijkers, Kristof

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias

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Introduction 1. Grammatical Encoding 2. Lexical Access in Speech Production: Psycho- and Neurolinguistic Perspectives on the Spatiotemporal Dynamics 3. Phonological Processing: Planning the Sound Structure of Words from a Psycholinguistic Perspective 4. The Neural Organisation of Language Production: Evidence from Neuroimaging and Neuromodulation 5. The Electrophysiology of Language Production 6. Self-Monitoring: The Neurocognitive Basis of Error Monitoring in Language Production 7. Bilingual Language Production: A tale About Interference Resolution in Different Linguistic Contexts 8. Written Production: The APOMI Model Of Word Writing: Anticipatory Processing of Orthographic and Motor Information 9. Sign Production: Signing vs. Speaking: How Does the Biology of Linguistic Expression Affect Production? 10. Co-Speech Gesture 11. Understanding Language Use in Social Contexts: The Role of Past and Present Discourse Contexts 12. Joint Language Production and the Representation of other Speakers' Utterances
language production;speaking;discourse processes;grammatical encoding;lexical access;automatic speech generation;conversation;aphasia;EEG;bilingualism;fMRI;ECOG;speech production;phonological encoding;phonetic encoding;writing;sign language;joint action;articulation;co-speech gesture;self-monitoring;ERP Effect;Syllable Frequency Effect;Asymmetrical Switch Costs;Adaptive Control Hypothesis;De Zubicaray;Lexical Semantic Retrieval;Language Control Processes;Semantic Information;Speech Motor Control;Left IFG;Bimodal Bilinguals;Switch Costs;Picture Word Interference Paradigm;Deaf Signers;Graphemic Buffer;Iconic Gestures;Language Production Mechanisms;Response Exclusion Account;Lexical Boost;Preverbal Message