

Today and Tomorrow

Barns, Margarita

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Preface 1. Introduction 2. The Problem 3. First Round Table Conference 4. The Conference at Work 5. Second Round Table Conference 6. With Mr. Gandhi 7. The Conference Ends 8. Experiment in Journalism 9. Third Round Table Conference 10. Joint Parliamentary Committee 11. In India 12. Mr. Gandhi Again 13. India at Work 14. Congress Meets in Bombay 15. India at the Polls 16. Plaintiffs and Defendants 17. A Fresh Attempt 18. The Women of India 19. Youth 20. The Peasant 21. The Industrial Worker 22. The Press 23. The Cinema 24. The Radio 25. The British in India 26. The "Foreigner" in India 27. Legislators of the Future 28. The Future Index
India;Colonialism;Freedom struggle;Round Table Conference;Indian Press;Mahatma Gandhi;Congress;British Commonwealth;Round Table;Holds;Young Men;Secretary Of State;Follow;Tej Bahadur Sapru;Bahadur;Civil Disobedience Movements;Inclined;Conferred;Spokesmen;Tour;Srinivasa Sastri;Malaviya;Indian Delegates;Depressed Classes;Payment;Indian People;Irwin Gandhi Pact;Montagu Chelmsford Reforms;Hindu Representatives;Rival Agency