In Our Backyard

In Our Backyard

Keeyask and the Legacy of Hydroelectric Development

Craft, Aimee; Blakley, Jill

University of Manitoba Press






15 a 20 dias


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Intro Built on the Back of the Turtle: Reflections on How Hydroelectric Dams Have Changed Landscapes
Chapter 1 When Dreams and Markets Collide: Regulatory Gaps and the Keeyask Generating Station
Chapter 2 Concrete Impulse: A Critique of the Pro-Keeyask NarrativeTestimony Excerpts - "Born Into Debt: Wuskwatim"
Chapter 3 The Augmented Flow Program: Impacts on South Indian LakeTestimony Excerpts - "The Hurt I Carry With Me"
Chapter 4 The Keeyask Project: "No Significant Cumulative Effects?"
Chapter 5 Divergent Worldviews and Environmental AssessmentTestimony Excerpts - "What Happened in Fox Lake"
Chapter 6 "The Flooders" and "the Cree": Challenging the Hydro Metanarrative Using Achimowinak StoriesTestimony Excerpts - "What About the Sturgeon?"
Chapter 7 Beavers, Sturgeon and Terns: How River Regulation Can Affect Aquatic and Riparian Ecosystems in Northern Manitoba
Chapter 8 The Conservation of Caribou: Matters of Space, Time, and Scale
Chapter 9 Connections and Disconnections: A Review of the Regional Cumulative EffectsTestimony Excerpts - "We Are the Family"
Chapter 10 The Honour of the Crown and Hydroelectric Development in ManitobaTestimony Excerpts - "Act of God"
Chapter 11 Partnerships or Paternalism? Social License, Consent, and the Keeyask Project
Chapter 12 The Keeyask Model from a Community Economic Development Perspective
Chapter 13 The Two-Track Approa
Chapter Foundations for Indigenous and Western Frameworks in Environmental EvaluationTestimony Excerpts - "The Relation to Our Land"
Chapter 14 Good Development Should Not End With Environmental Assessment: Adaptive Management in Northern Development
Chapter 15 Will There Be Lasting Gains? Sustainability Assessment, Keeyask, and the Manitoba Power System PlanConclusion - Pathways to a Better Legacy of Development in Northern Manitoba
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
hydroelectric development; environmental studies; sustainability; energy policy; Indigenous peoples